If I'm not mistaken, the Dreamcast was the first videogame console to have a screen unit controller. It--and the Dreamcast in general--was ahead of its time and what made it even more incredible was that the screen unit (the VMU) was compact and could be taken out of the controller to play games on the go. I used to enjoy raising my Chao's in Sonic Adventure when I was on the go.
That's true, I totally forgot about that. Even so the WiiU's controller screen is basically an iPad with HD resolution . Though it's apparently not portable. They made it clear that the controller itself doesn't store games or other info, and is basically just receiving a video signal from the console itself.
If Nintendo is actualy making a return to the ******** scene, I might but this, but they probably won't so, meh...
Darksiders 2, Batman Arkham City, Aliens Colonial Marines, Ghost Recon Online, Metro Last Light, Tekken, Ninja Gaiden 3, and Battlefield 3 were all announced as titles in progress, so that's promising.
I'm sad to hear that the controller may need a new version of the Wii console to work, the E3 thing made it look like you only needed your previous Wii and the controller
Yeah they didn't go into much detail about that in the presentation, but the G4 interview with Reggie afterward stated specifically that the WiiU is a completely new console, though it is backwards compatible with all Wii titles and peripherals. I suspect a lot of hawk shops and second-hand game stores will have an overstock of Wii's around the time of WiiU's launch