deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Those pretty much are tiles, they're just not square

    Same concept, different execution.

  • One thing to take note of:

    It's not enough that you take a big picture and cut it up into smaller chunks. When you put the chunks back together, it still makes a big picture.

    What you need are tiles. Repeatable chunks. That way you can reuse the same chunk ten or twelve different times over when making your picture. It's that repeated use that helps out... if you have twelve of the same tile on the screen it only stores one of those tiles in vram.

    Just a general FYI, I've seen people make this mistake a few times before, and I thought it was worth spelling out plainly.

  • He means that event 26 is continually running, and continually putting your player at that location over and over again, every frame, because there is no other condition to stop it from doing so.

    You need to break the chain so to speak. Add an action to event 26 that sets the player's health above 0. Then the next time the event comes up it won't run, and the player won't be put into that location again.

  • Completey unreleated question but what will be the difference between the commerical version of C2 and the free version?

    ...details are being finalised on this.

  • If I'm not mistaken, the Dreamcast was the first videogame console to have a screen unit controller. It--and the Dreamcast in general--was ahead of its time and what made it even more incredible was that the screen unit (the VMU) was compact and could be taken out of the controller to play games on the go. I used to enjoy raising my Chao's in Sonic Adventure when I was on the go.

    That's true, I totally forgot about that. Even so the WiiU's controller screen is basically an iPad with HD resolution . Though it's apparently not portable. They made it clear that the controller itself doesn't store games or other info, and is basically just receiving a video signal from the console itself.

    If Nintendo is actualy making a return to the ******** scene, I might but this, but they probably won't so, meh...

    Darksiders 2, Batman Arkham City, Aliens Colonial Marines, Ghost Recon Online, Metro Last Light, Tekken, Ninja Gaiden 3, and Battlefield 3 were all announced as titles in progress, so that's promising.

    I'm sad to hear that the controller may need a new version of the Wii console to work, the E3 thing made it look like you only needed your previous Wii and the controller

    Yeah they didn't go into much detail about that in the presentation, but the G4 interview with Reggie afterward stated specifically that the WiiU is a completely new console, though it is backwards compatible with all Wii titles and peripherals. I suspect a lot of hawk shops and second-hand game stores will have an overstock of Wii's around the time of WiiU's launch

  • What you are talking about could be achieved if Construct had parenting functionality. For instance, say you had several small sprite parts that made up that rock like your example shows (and presumably you could make various sized rocks from the components and save on vram that way, rather than having separate, whole "big rock," "medium rock," and "small rock" sprites).

    Now, you want to be able to rotate and scale your component rock, yes? That's where parenting would come into play. Take your rock pieces:

    And create a parent for them:
    Now you have a MediumBoulder object (which is essentially just an empty vessel with nothing but position, rotation, and scale information) composed of child objects in a hierarchy.  You can select a child if you wish to swap it out or change it, or you can select the MediumBoulder parent and manipulate it.
    Scaling, rotating, or moving the parent would automatically translate to the children, so they would stay in position and orientation [i]relative[/i] to the parent object.  The children's individual scale and such would all be "local" to the MediumBoulder object.
    You could also select the MediumBoulder object and copy/paste instances of that, rather than having to build new ones from scratch all the time.
    Also, let's say that your boulder is actually a small platform made of pieces of separate dirt and grass tiles, and you want the whole thing to move up and down together, like an elevator.  Create a parent for them and put your Sine behavior on the parent.  Ta-daa, they all follow along automatically.
    Ideally you wouldn't be restricted to all the same child objects under a parent either, so you could for instance do something like this:
    This is how Unity3D does things.  It is very handy for creating complex objects .  In fact the object list for your scene is called the Hierarchy, and every single object in it is basically a child of the scene.
    And yes, it is relatively easy to act on a group of objects with containers or families at runtime in Construct, but the basic functionality of altering the scale and rotation in relation to one another isn't as easy, and it's not possible to do in the layout editor, which is why this would be handy.
    Probably way too late for this sort of functionality to be added to CC though.  It would be a pretty drastic change to the interface.
  • Also the name WiiU is dumb, but I am not surprised in the least about that.

  • Okay so I just saw Nintendo's E3 presentation of the WiiU. The controller actually looks pretty cool. Though it's just about as big as a console all by itself

    Still the screen on the controller actually seems like a good idea. The obvious use would be to take your HUD or inventory stuff off of the main screen and put it on the controller screen, which would be good enough if that's all it did in my opinion. But the touch interface and the virtual viewport stuff it can do is pretty neat as well. I can imagine, say, a racing game where the TV shows the main action and the controller screen acts like a rear view mirror.

    Anyway the console itself being HD and the controller having actual thumb pads and buttons is really all that matters from a gameplay standpoint for me... finally a return of ******** gaming on Nintendo

    At least, in theory...

  • I believe the word you are looking for is "silhouette."

    As far as finding the first game to use that style, good luck . People have been doing that for years now.

  • Nope.

    Your photos folder isn't public, and that's not a public link. Put your picture in your public folder and use the right-click menu to "Get public link" from Windows.

  • Um. Okay. Any information aside from that picture or do we just google it ourselves?

  • The what?

  • At the rate they're going I would guess that it will take considerably less time.

    Think of CC as just the prototype . Ash and Davo have already done this once, they have a much clearer idea how to do things now.

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  • A simple image editor is still extremely useful for prototyping.

    Though separating the hotspot/animator functions from the image editor functions isn't a bad idea. That way you can use the built-in image editor if you want, or link C2 to an external one.

  • You've got the url wrong on your images there. They're not showing up.

    If you're using dropbox, you can just right click the picture in your public folder and select "Copy public link" to get the right url.