deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Not currently.

    I've requested a couple features that might make it possible, but haven't gotten any response from Ashley. Hey Ash, if you're reading this, whaddaya say?

    Im afraid its impossible unless it will be only one AI becouse there is only one Platform control. And simulating keypress, not available not.

    Actually, you can set "start ignoring user input" on any enemy that has platform movement, and it won't interfere with the player's movement. Here's a demo .cap that shows it in action:

    The red square is the player, and the blue square is the AI. Every two seconds, the blue square jumps on it's own.

    With the addition of a couple actions to the platform movement it would be possible to give the blue square lateral speed. Here's the total shopping list:

    1. Set X speed (make it move)

    2. Set max speed

    3. Set gravity

    4. Set jump strength

    5. Set jump sustain

    With these actions it would also be possible to change the player's control scheme at runtime. You could have powerups that change your jump or speed, create swimming areas, springboards, conveyor belts, or even in-game cut scenes.

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  • I happen to have a tutorial .cap for this very occasion. Check it, yo:


    Edit: In case it isn't immediately apparent how to get the "not equals" sign in front of a condition, you right-click on it and select "Invert condition."

  • In all of my experiments with trying to make a good custom physics platform engine, I've encountered nothing but trouble. No matter what I tried, it always ended up behaving buggy. Often times fixing one problem would result in causing another.

    That said, to fix the wall sticking, you could try raising the gravity, setting linear dampening to 0, and using Exact for friction and solver. You can overcome the speediness of the newly changed gravity by messing with the world scale.

    Alternately, you could create side detectors for your player box, and don't add force in a certain direction when that detector is in contact with a wall.

    Good luck with it. I know electrii is working with a physics platform movement, you might as him for some tips.

  • Just store it in a private variable, eg:


    > Text object: set text to Sprite.X - Sprite('OldX')

    > Sprite: Set 'OldX' to Object.X

    The text object will show the change, frame-by-frame, in the X co-ordinate.

    Yep, that's how my platform engine tells the difference between jumping and falling. Y < oldY = jumping, and y > oldY = falling. Good for controlling animations.

  • Okay, will do. For now I'll just use pvt variables.

  • I have an Event Sheet called "Player Damage" that runs all the events for when the player gets hit. I also have a global text variable called "gameProgress" that is set to "running" by default, but I want to change to "endGame" when the player gets hit and has no life left. I created the event to test for the proper conditions and added the System action to set the global variable gameProgress to "endgame," and the action didn't show up. I thought maybe the UI was bugging out again, so I saved a new version, closed out the event sheet I was working on, and reopened the event sheet again. The action still wasn't there, so I clicked New Action and added it a second time. It still didn't show up, so I quit Construct and restarted it.

    Now my .cap won't open at all. It loads up to %90 and crashes. This happens in both .91 and .92 (I created it in .91). I can post the .cap if necessary.

  • I'll hold my rating til' 1.0 too. (hopefully Construct start up for me by then )

    It doesn't start for you? If it doesn't now, it probably won't then.

  • It isn't reasonably easy to do. If it was, I wouldn't be requesting it.

    You can make a pseudo (fake) grid engine with a lot of work and a bunch of events where you manually have to calculate where the center of each square on the "grid" (each and every single x/y coordinate) is to move your character (which would likely result in an event sheet that takes up the whole screen) but that's just tedious and haphazard, and not to mention just isn't practical.

    If you won't use it, then fine. Don't use it. I actually think you need it more than you're realizing.*

    The bolded part there... I'm sorry, but I kind of chuckled at that one. If you're afraid to have an event sheet that takes up a whole screen then your games must not be very complex. Not that that's a bad thing, but you're talking about advanced activities such as creating level editors and such.

    And no, I don't need a grid object because I can do basic math. And while you do have to "calculate the center of every single x/y coordinate" it's not as hard as you're making it out to be. Since you're so keen on using MMF as a comparison, here's part of a program I made in MMF that shows how simple it is:

    <img src="">

    This shows how you can place a square cursor with a mouse click exactly on a grid sized 32px by 32px. This is for a grid that starts at 64,32 and ends at 544, 352. It doesn't need the grid object, because is uses a simple mathematical formula to find where the grid should be (mouseX/32*32). Finding where a target should move to (such as a character walking) is also a simple matter of having them move towards whatever their current location is + 32 pixels. Hey, what do you know? Grid movement. You could do this in Construct just as easily.

    *Edit: Another thing you might not realize is this. A Tile Grid object can directly be used to make a level editor for games. In fact, by requesting this, you are also requesting the ability to add level editing to games. If you've used MMF before you'd know that it's almost essential to have a grid object for such a thing.

    This might come as a shock but the example I posted above is from a level editor I made in MMF that - surprise - doesn't use the grid object. Though I never finished it, it moves the cursor in a loop in steps of 32px, detects what is under the cursor, and writes the tile type to an array. The array then saves the data to a file.

    Construct by itself does not have that ability unless someone codes it in via the plugin SDK or editing the source code.

    As I have demonstrated, Construct does have the ability. You don't, because you're stuck on this idea that "it's too hard." If you can get over the idea that it's too much work you'll see that it's really not as much as you thought.

    Even MMF has a grid object.

    Yes, and it's not the godsend you're looking for. You can test if x, y is over a cell. Easy enough to do with math. You can test if x is in column, or y is in row. Again, basic math skills are all that are needed for that. To set a sprite at row 4, column 5 of a 32px grid you do this:

    [ul]	[li]Sprite:Set X to 4*32[/li]
    	[li]Sprite:Set Y to 5*32[/li]
    If you have variables for "row" and "column" instead of the static "4" and "5" then you've just made yourself a basic grid placement engine.
    As for useful actions, MMF's grid object can set cell values and clear cell values.  This can be easily achieved with the addition of an array.
    I'm sorry, but I'm not just saying boo to be contrary.  I've actually put some thought to the matter.  Would a basic grid object be useful?  Yes.  But only to save yourself two or three steps that can be made with events.  Since it's not saving any appreciable amount of work then it's not really all that useful.  Should it be implemented some time down the road?  Sure, I don't see why not, but there are more pressing concerns.
    *Edit:  Whoops, missed Ashley's post.  Well, there you go.
  • Okay then, posted reviews as therealdeadeye.

  • The only rule I'm allowed to tell you is:

    Rule #1:

    Don't tell Doppel the rest of the rules.

    If we tell you the rules then you'll just break them. We know you better than that.

  • Yeah, but then again...

    Look, my point is this:

    while it is possible with Construct, it's harder than it should be and isn't worth the effort.

    It's not harder than it should be. It's easier than it would be otherwise because Construct is still doing most of the work for you. Whether or not it's "worth the effort" is entirely up to you. The fact is a 2d array of grid tiles is something that could easily be created in Construct as it is now if you just put in the time to do it.

    That's one thing that a lot of people don't seem to get about game-dev tools like Construct or MMF or Game Maker. They make things easier, yes... but you still have to do real work to make a game. There could be features for this or that that all make Construct easier to use down to the smallest detail, but it can never make a game for you. Somewhere along he line you're going to have to create custom events that perform a function that Construct doesn't offer up on it's own as a plugin or tickable property. "I'm lazy" isn't a good reason to request a feature.

    So if it's possible to make in Construct, and reasonably easy to do so with a little effort, then why request it as a feature? I just don't see the reasoning behind it.

    Sorry SuperV, I guess I'm all up in your feature request after all. Me and my big mouth

  • Okay

    Click for big.

    A couple pencil sketches

    A diptych done in black and white grease pencil on gray paper (warning: second one contains *******

    Some random photos I like


    I can't find the disk that has my animation and character design stuff on it, I'm kinda pissed because that's my best work

  • ...while it is possible with Construct, it's harder than it should be and isn't worth the effort...

    That all depends on how much effort you're willing to put into your game. Imagine how tough it would be to code an Advance Wars type game from scratch using, say, C++ and Allegro or something. Yet some people do it.

    I don't mean to undermine the request for a tile system, I'm just saying.

  • I've spread the word to a few large communities and the overwhelming response was "This looks really cool but I'll wait for version 1.0." The majority of folks who want to use this aren't interested in beta testing or dealing with bugs.

    I've pretty much resigned myself to waiting for v1.0 until I go around promoting Construct again.

    Believe me, the major places that would draw a lot of users, like Daily Click and such, are well aware that Construct exists.

  • You might install 0.91 for now if you're just doing drawing and basic events, just be aware of the families bug that was going around. I wouldn't be surprised if this was fixed pretty soon. Ashley has a pretty good track record on updates.