deadeye's Forum Posts

  • My resolution is to finish Monster Panic. And Chamber (that is, if Sol and I ever actually get started ).

  • Very nice artwork in this one . Also, the character can get stuck in the moving platform and teleport to the top.

    There are also a couple places where platforms could be placed better to allow for easier jumping. Right after the second pit in the barn if you don't jump just right then you fall into the pit. And the rails above the moving platform are solid, so when you try to jump off you can easily hit your head and fall instead of making the jump across. I'd make the rails non-solid so you can make that jump easier.

    Another quick note: starting from the very beginning every time you die is tedious. If you die in the barn, you should start in the barn.

    And for some reason after the first playthrough some of the platforms and such in the barn disappeared. I don't know what would be causing that. You might want to post a bug report about it.

    Overall really nice work so far though, keep at it

  • > instead of charging the jump, height of it should be controled via how long jump button is pressed.

    > ts already setup that way.

    I think he means sustained jumping... like pressing causes the character to instantly jump, but the longer you hold down the key the higher he goes. Like Mario.

    For charged jumping, I think you should have the charge separate. It's important to be able to jump quickly at all times. Jumping when letting go of the key is the exact opposite of most games, it doesn't feel natural. Here's how I would do it:

    1. Make the default height for the smallest jump a little tiny bit higher, so jumping without charging has more usefulness.

    2. Make the character jump on pressing jump, not releasing it.

    3. Have a separate charge control. I recommend ducking. When ducking, your charge meter rises. If you stand up or move left/right, your charge meter goes back down to zero. If you charge up and press Jump while you're ducking, you get the boost to your jump.

    Just my two cents.

  • You mean you want a separate collision box (or mask) for your player sprite? Yes, you can do that, and it's pretty easy. Create your box, (or in your case, a circle) and apply the movement you need to it. All of your controls will move that object. Then do this:

      -> playerSprite: Set position to object hitbox.Sprite
    Make your hitbox invisible and nobody will ever even know it's there.
  • Wow, that's really sweet . Nice, simple use of physics, but the gameplay is all the better for it.

  • The newest version is 98.3.

  • Since you seem to be asking a lot of questions about what kind of games you can make with Construct, let me give you this reply:

    You can make just about any 2D game with Construct. Yes, you could even make Tetris.

    Also, this is the wrong forum for general questions. This one is for games or demos that people want to share with others. You want either Construct Discussion or Open Topic for questions like this.

  • Nice update! Lots of useful stuff in there

    And thanks for the hosting Gullanian!. I saw the "Bandwidth exceeded" message earlier today and got a little worried. But on the other hand, I guess that means more people are visiting the site so maybe that's not a bad thing

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • You can use the Canvas object to draw lines, and then update the collision mask.

  • You only need to post one thread per topic.


  • Have you reported any of these crashes? Because just getting frustrated and venting out in the release thread doesn't help that much.

    No offense intended, I'm just saying that reporting these things makes it more likely that they'll get fixed.

  • Yes, as I noted on the previous page, and in the first post, there's a lot of info in the tutorials that is obsolete. They need to be rewritten.

    Honestly, I'm thinking of waiting until the next build to do the re-write. I've been informed that there are features coming up that that I could write about, and waiting will keep me from having to re-write them a third time .

    Anyway, your patience is appreciated. Sorry for the delay.

  • > reported as an attack site because "someone could upload something bad."


    Wow, that's dumb. By the same logic, the entire internet is an attack site.


    Anyway, I think it might have been reported by a rival file hosting site to deter people away from it. It's a really good site, I hope they straighten things out.

    Well, if you do click the report, apparently 39 of the pages google's visited are malicious, so it's not entirely unwarranted.

    That's weird... yesterday when I clicked it didn't have any pages reported.

  • Actually if you read the reasons for the warning, they have no attacks to show for at all. It's only been reported as an attack site because "someone could upload something bad." Which is true of any file hosting site.

    There's a link for webmasters to contact, I posted a thread at whff forums asking they straighten it out. I hope they do, I have a lot of files on whff.

  • Are you playing from file or from resource? Have you tried playing a different filetype? Explain exactly how you're making this, it would help figure out the problem. Posting a .cap when asking for help is always a good idea too.