In this case though you can't use containers to destroy the glow. If you destroy one object in a container, it destroys all the objects in the container. Since you want the plant itself to stay, you'll have to find another way.
If you're going with containers, you could make the blueglow invisible when you touch a plant, instead of destroying it.
If you're not going with containers, then you'll have to define which blueglow you mean in your conditions. Construct can only pick the proper instances if you tell it which ones to pick in your conditions.
"On collision between player and blueplant ---> blueglow: Destroy."
Is incorrect. You haven't defined which blueglow you want in the condition, so they all disappear. Try this:
+On collision between player and blueglow
->blueglow: Destroy
Since the blueglow has been defined in the condition, that's the only blueglow picked for destruction.