> > No, only ones involved in the collision.
> >
> "On collision between player and blueplant ---> blueglow: Destroy."
> there are multiple "blueglow" on every plant in my layout, and it destroys all of them on collision with any blueplant.
Put the blueglow objects in a container with the blueplant objects. That way when you collide with the blueplant object, it will automatically pick the glow object associated with the plant. Containers wiki page. Hope that helps.
I'll do a quick rundown of what I want and what is happening.
I have 1 blueplant object and 1 blueglow object but multiple instances of those 2 objects across the layout.
The blueglow object is behind the blueplant object and I want the blueglow object behind a blueplant to dissapear when you collide with the blueplant.
I tried putting blueglow and blueplant in a container, but this only caused the blueplant to dissapear when collided with, and not the blueglow.
I can't for the life of me understand what is going on, so here is a .cap file. I hope someone can explain it.