deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Wow, this is looking really nice. Good job so far.

    And since it's so polished looking already I'm obliged to nitpick (sorry... nitpicking is really all you can do when a WIP looks this nice ).

    Seems like the character needs a "walking backwards" animation. Then again, I'm sure you've got something planned.

    Anyway, keep up the good work

  • That's because of the new Player 1 controls parameter. You just need to go through all of the control-press events and set them (just double-click the condition and hit 'Finish') and all of the controls work fine. It's a known issue since 0.99.

    I tested the latest lesson last night and after some tinkering I found two problems:

    1. Jumping on a doomba when it's walking left sometimes spawns the dead doomba upside down (angle 180). This can be fixed by setting the dead doomba to 'No rotation.'

    2. The Cooper enemies will jump when they collide with the side of an object with Platform Attribute. The platform objects are triggering "Has wall to left/right" when they shouldn't be. This is a bug that needs to be reported, and I'll be doing that shortly.

    At this point, all of the lessons need to be rewritten again (as I figured they would). I don't recommend that folks use them until that happens.

  • Uh... no? This isn't an introduce yourself thread

  • holy crap HOLY CRAP


    The rotation is fixed... the platforms are fixed... everything that was wrong with it is fixed! Even the max fall speed is fixed! Now Vern falls too slowly though

    So awesome. Time to get back to work!

    Thanks for the update guys, you rock.

    Edit: Ah, crap. Platform School isn't working now . New bug that's triggering "Has wall to left/right" when running into the side of a Platform Attribute object. It's making the turtles jump when they shouldn't be.

    Oh well, bug report time...

  • I think it's possible sound and music resources don't work well yet.

    Sounds added to the Sound folder don't show up in the dropdown as resources when making an action to play it.

    I noticed that in .99.2 earlier today, and in .99.3 it's the same thing. That may be why .caps made in 98.9 or prior are failing in .99.2 and above.

    (FAKE EDIT: Seems this is confirmed, Candescence was having trouble saving his .cap, and after removing the sounds from the Sound folder he was able to save his .cap without any problems.)

    Also, there seems to be something up with collisions. See CharmyBee's Ghost Shooter clone here. Start the .cap and walk down towards the bottom edge of the layout, avoiding all "monsters." The player's health will begin to deplete even when not touching a monster, so either there are objects that aren't rendering or there is something up with collisions.

    (REAL EDIT: Actually, it might just be the .cap. I haven't found any evidence elsewhere that collisions are messed up.)

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  • I do this for Vert.

    I make an .ini with my level editor. Then I copy/paste the text of the .ini into a text box in my game.

    The text boxes are all instances of the same box, with a "level" PV for the level number. There is a "levelNum" global to keep track of what level you're on.

    When it's time to load, just do a quick "levelText.Value('level') Equal to global('levelNum') -> do level loading"


    Of course, you can't write to it. You can't just write new text to a built .exe. Though I suppose you can "save" the game info after changing the level text if you're using the System save/load actions.

  • CharbyBee doesn't want to, as you can plainly see

  • Whoa, new build out of nowhere

    Awesome, downloading now...

  • Needs some tweaks, but here it is

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Holy crap, that's awesome . What program did you use?

  • Construct is developed to enable anyone to make pretty much any 2D game they want, not to make certain types of game ridiculously easy

    Unless you're making a platformer

  • Whoa, third-person Metroid game . Looks like my Wii isn't going to be so useless after all.

    It is kind of strange to hear Samus talking though.

  • Whoa, weird.

    Honestly I think I like the look of the monster in the OP trailer better. It looks more, I don't know, cuddly I guess. The new super-feathery version is still cool though. And it was nice to see something that looked like actual gameplay in the trailer.

  • Normally I would say don't do that but it's Jeff's thread so I don't care.

  • It's an object. You add it to the layout like a sprite, or any other kind of object. It has actions, conditions, and expressions that allow you to manipulate text, of all things.

  • You're using plain "overlapping" events. I'm surprised it works at all. Those physics objects shouldn't be overlapping in the first place.

    You should use Overlapping at Offset, you'll likely get more consistent results.