deadeye's Forum Posts

  • cheers

    which one you rekon is better?

    Beyond Oasis is better.

    But then again I've never finished either one (though I have started both of them several times).

  • That's so cool

    I remember when you first started on this, glad to see it's all come together finally. Congrats

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  • Is there any way of doing a for loop in reverse i.e for x =10 to 0.I have tried but can't get it to work.

    It doesn't work

    In the past I made a request to add a "step" feature to loops like in BASIC so you could do something like this:

    For "X" = 10 to 1 step -1

    (counts backward by 1)


    For "X" = 25 to 50 step 5

    (counts forward by 5)


    Also the loops only take intergers so you wouldn't be able to go from 10 to 0.1 anyway.

  • I generally handle AI stuff with pv's called "mode" and "myTimer." For your turn-based stuff you could add a pv called "turn."

    Like so:

    + Object.Value('myTimer') greater than 0
        -> Subtract (1 * timedelta) from Object.Value('myTimer')
    + Object.Value('turn') = global('currentTurn')
    + Trigger Once
        -> Set Object.Value('mode') to "seek"
        -> Set Object.Value('myTimer') to 5
    + Object.Value('turn') = global('currentTurn')
        + Object.Value('mode') = "seek"
            -> Search for target
            + Target found
                -> Set Object.Value('mode') to "chase"
        + Mode = "chase"
            -> Move towards target
            + Distance to target less than whatever
                -> Set mode to "fight"
        + Mode = "fight"
            + Every X Milliseconds
                -> Shoot bullets
            + Target destroyed
                -> Set mode to "seek"
    + Turn = global('currentTurn')
    + myTimer less than 0
        -> Set mode to "rest"
        -> Add 1 to global('currentTurn')
    Etc.  Obviously this is a simplified example but the basic method works.
  • Beyond Oasis for Sega Genesis (and apparently WiiWare)

    Guardian of Paradise for PC (free, indie)

  • What do you mean "glitchy?" It looks fine to me.

    (insert "maybe you need to update your drivers lol" comment here)

  • Woah, it's about ******* Heh. I reckon I don't read none too good. When I saw the "little brother" part I didn't take it literally, I assumed it was like how a girl might tell her guy friend "I think of you as a brother."

  • Ah, right, alpha channels sound like the easiest method! Forgot about those with all the options

    Ok.. a dumb question, but how do I use alpha channels in Construct? Is it somewhere in the picture editor? The wiki doesn't seem to mention anything on it.

    Save the image you created with your graphics program (Photoshop or GIMP or what have you) as a .png with the alpha channel built in, then when you have Construct's image editor up, hit Open and select the .png file. The alpha channel will be imported automatically.

    In other words, what lucid said

    And uh, what's a Line object? Doesn't seem to be in the "Insert new object" list.

    Sorry, I forgot there is no Line object in 0.98.9 . It's a 0.99.x feature. It does pretty much what it says... it simply draws a line. You can set the length, width, and color. Not terribly fancy, but useful if all you need is a line.

  • Plasma? Why?

    Anyway, Additive effect is what gives lasers their glowy effect, and the soft edges can either be done with an alpha gradient sprite or by blurring a line.

    Personally I would try the Line object with Additive and Madster's Variable Blur shader.

    Or you can use a sprite with Additive and just stretch it, if that looks good enough for your purposes.

  • I think at one time there was some mention of the possibility of exporting to .swf...


    Yep, thanks Android Music:

  • Is that supposed to happen.

    Whoa. No, none of that is supposed to happen.

    I don't really have any advice other than try what Davio said. Hopefully you'll be able to find out what's wrong.

  • Try this method for moving the puppet body around:

    That should be compatible with physics. Well, actually, it is compatible with physics, because it only uses physics and doesn't try to incorporate Mouse Behavior or anything like that.

    You could easily make it so that the body is always "attached" to the mouse cursor, rather than just the drag&drop method shown here. Just do:

    + Always
      -> Body: Physics: Set velocity to (mouseX - body.X, mouseY - body.Y)
  • Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not L4D fanart, it's a painting by an artist named Jason Chan. He painted it before L4D even came out, for a contest at Last Man Standing.

  • That's a cool use of timescaling. And the best use of motion blur I've ever seen.

  • I've always thought soldjah boy(the rapper, not the board mod) was incredibly lame and stupid, just like stupidass overrated lil wayne

    To be fair SoldjahBoy the board mod is also Lil Wayne wannabe.

    <img src="">