dcalogueACE's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • nevermind, it seems it doesn't work after exporting the project. I'm looking if this can be fixed...

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  • There you go, I haven't tested the save/load part of the code, but it should work without problems.

    Please report any bugs.

    Variable watcher 1.0

  • I will write the save/load code now and I will upload it as a c2addon then.

  • I just finished a small behavior that does the trick, if anyone is interested.

    On variable change plugin

  • just in case there's anyone still interested.

    On instance variable change plugin

  • I just finished writing a small behavior that triggers events when certain instance variable changes.

    If there is someone interested in it I could upload it for public use.

    So far it has the following functionality:

    Enable/disable trigger events for specific/any variables

    Add variable to watch list (with variable name)

    Remove variable from watch list (with variable name)

    Add all variables to watch list

    Triggers events when:

    A watched variable has changed (filters by variable name)

    Any variable in the list has changed

    Basically it handles two arrays, one with the variable names and another with the values (just as the instances do with their instance variables), on each tick, if it sees any change in a variable, it stores the latest value and triggers an event.

    *Saves the hassle of duplicating instance variables to keep track of changes (value/oldValue)

    *Easier to maintain

    *Adds the possibility to add new trigger events to an object without writing new behaviors, just add an instance variable name with the name of the event and add 1 to that variable each time you want to trigger that event

  • bumping this topic.

    After some experimentation, I am able to work versioning the whole Construct2 folder, duplicating the .exe and all the engine files for each project. Then I only have to execute the .exe of the project that I want to work with, and it will use relative paths to look for the javascript code.

    The problem I have when using this approach is that the sprite editor breaks, it seems this one uses absolute paths or registry keys to define where it should save the images, so I can edit images and save them to a path of my choosing, but they will never end up correctly integrated into the game, I have to manually copy them to the correct animation directory and rename them to 000.png before I can see them in the game.

    Maybe adding support for per-project javascript folders is too difficult, but maybe fixing the sprite editor (so it supports running the .exe from a different path to where it was installed) would be easier?

    Thanks for any reply!

  • Any news on this?

    As a programmer, I usually add my own plugins, behaviors, even effects to my projects and it is really important to me to be able to version them to compare between versions of my work.

    I couldn't care less about .capx support, but I think that when you save your project as a .caproj, you should be able to have a "source code" folder where you can put your code specific to the project.

    Even if I make a plugin to use in one of my projects, I can't refactor it for use in another project, unless I want to duplicate it and rename it or I can somehow keep backwards compatibility (in case I still want my old project to work).

    I love the engine, but for me this is ALMOST a dealbreaker, I am used to work with revision control since I started working in videogames, so this is specially frustrating. Only reasons I keep using the engine is because of the great editor and the focus on component-based design, which I think it makes great sense in the kind of projects I intend to do with Construct 2.

    Thanks for any reply!

  • 8 posts