dcadjust, Thank you for your try to install the Android version. This is the first crash report I received for the game, it was tested successfully on many android phones and tablets but I'm not sure about tab3. However from the tab3 specs I checked it looks the game shouldn't have a problem to run.
> So, For me to be able to inspect the issue, I need to know,
> - which Android OS version installed?.
> - Do you have enough storage capacity available after installing the game?
> - Did the game crashed after the loading logo screen? or it was immediate crash without seeing anything?
> - Any produced error message or alert after the crash?.
> - Can you retry installing the game?
> I really appreciate for anyone else here with Tab3 to test the game and report the result back.
The tab is on android 4.2.2
When launching the game it comes up wih a black screen then crashes. No error codes or messages. I installed it again. Sitll no luck. Sory
Installed it on my s4 with android 5. Works fine there. Great production values. I can pick up sfx in your games that I have in some of mine