I solved it! I tried again this morning without any minify settings and it works fine now. Thanks for your help!
Yes, that might be the issue. Try other Minify modes.
No luck. I tried no settings applied
by the way, the error message is saying something about bubbles, which I don't have in my game.
When I looked through Construct's advanced tutorials, I saw a chat room as one of them. I thought I could do better and add TONS of features, and here it is for you to enjoy:
I have it hosted on an external website here: https://dburca-chat.netlify.com
If you want the arcade link too, here it is https://www.construct.net/en/free-online-games/better-chat-room-16668/play
The features it has:
If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Enjoy!
(PS, GitHub repo: https://github.com/DBurca/Discussion-Rooms)
When you export, you pick a "Minify Mode".
I exported it with advanced minify, and all settings checked
What settings?
Wow, good job!
So I uploaded 2 separate projects to the Scirra Arcade and they are both stuck on a black screen. I don't know if this has something to do with the way I exported it or what, but I need help. Another thing to note is that I posted my project to my website and it works fine. What?? Help would be much appreciated, thanks.
Edit: here are my links
1st project arcade link: https://www.construct.net/en/free-online-games/better-chat-room-16668/play
1st project website link: https://dburca-chat.netlify.com
2nd project arcade link: https://www.construct.net/en/free-online-games/camera-filters-16663/play
2nd project website link: https://funnicam.netlify.com
If you need any other links let me know
EDIT 2: I have these errors, what should I do?
Edit 3: I tried the export again this morning, and it seems to be working fine now. I did it without any minify settings checked. Thank you for your help!
The same thing happens to me. I uploaded 2 separate projects and I have a black screen for both. It is very annoying. The only thing is that I don't get any error messages
maybe try slashes?
Not to long ago, I uploaded a project on to the Scirra arcade. The problem is, it doesn't work. There's no construct logo or progress bar or anything. The link can be found herehttps://www.construct.net/en/free-online-games/better-chat-room-16668/play for the arcade game.
The working copy can be found here: https://dburca-chat.netlify.com. I have exported with advanced everything. Once that was done, I uploaded my .zip file to the arcade. I'm not sure what to do, I was hoping for one of the admins to look into this, but if you can help that would be much appreciated. Thanks
So I made a camera filters project. Basically, you can apply a cool filter to your camera and then you have the option of taking a screenshot. Today I added the option to record your gameplay. However, when you invoke a download of a video, Construct goes nuts and crashes. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I think one of you might be able to help. Thanks in advance!
Oh and by the way, here's the link: drive.google.com/file/d/1oFqLdxiFRJsmBCh9xEK-1JK6q3KOkJoT/view
It looks like You.ObjectTypeName is blank. What can I do about that?
I'm probably just having a brain fart, but it doesn't seem as if the player in my game is spawning. I'm not sure what to do. For debugging, I have an alert when the player spawns. It doesn't seem to be going off:
Am I even using this action right? Any help would be appreciated.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks for helping.
On the actual project, I moved 'destroy coin' before the audio. I think the problem was my Bluetooth earbuds, which sometimes have an unstable connection with my PC. I can't believe I didn't think of that before. Anyways, have a good day!
Yes, here is the dummy project