You have to understand, sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes it works...
That's why I don't like software like that, browser-based software is too boring for file management....
I just did some more tests....
Now it works, no problem!
But on another project, sometimes it didn't work, sometimes it did!
That's why it annoys me, it only works when it wants!
I think NWjs is the one who's making this up!
Or the Chrome browser!
Anyway, it's not acceptable to me at all, it's too random!
I've already had problems with reading Dictionary, Table!
All seemed normal but no it didn't work!
And if you add AJAX, then it's even worse!
I hate all those things that only work when they want to!
On an operating system, the file exists or not, it can be
read or not, but at least it's clear!
With browsers, it's doubly annoying:
Does the file exist?
Can the file be read?
Would NWjs please read the file?
In short, browser-based software is too boring!
Translated with