dayle85's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts

    Comparing Construct with a hammer seems wrong for me too. It is a much more complex tool and of course c3 is a newer and better tool. So imo it is absolutely fine to give it a price tag. But subscription feels so wrong for a tool like C3 for me, I mean PS is a tool made for professionals - it is hard to learn and even harder to master and once you master it it is a powerful beast that gets major updates on a regular bases.

    C3 on the other hand is so easy you can tell a child how it works. It is powerful and hard to master no doubt. But it could get so much more attention in the growing game designer community if it was more affordable.

    And there are business models aside from subscription that rule the whole industry. It is not like we don't understand anything about business - I think construct could grow far beyond what it is now - a prototype creator for some small studios - into something really big if it wasn't so expensive.

    And of course, a gym subscription or a sports club membership costs more, but how can I tell this to someone who starts in Game Design? "Well there are those free tools you might learn or this easy to learn tool, which is really great but it only costs as much as your gym subscription, but it brings regularly updates and new features..."

    Speaking of new features, imo for the price the progress is much to slow. Since the start of C3 there are like 4 or 5 new features I recognized when I used C3 for a month. And some of them were possible with mods before. Of course these features are a lot of work and there are more improvements I didn't recognize but for the price I can buy a new piece of software every year.

    Last I checked Construct 2 still works perfectly fine?

    Windows 98 still works on my old laptop...

    Ongoing support for C2 is not the point for me. 10 years are a very long time and I'm more than willing to pay another 100€ for C3, but not for one year.

    There is a growing community of people making games out there, thousands and thousands of people who have this hobby making games in their free time. Construct would be the perfect tool to start with. It is so easy, I can teach it to students. But can I tell them: "Go and make great games with it"? Never. I can only tell them: "try it at school and then go and learn something one can afford, like godot or Unity". It is such a pitty how wrong the pricing is compared to the audience it is suitable to.

    When I look at the forums here I can see there are many people who really like C3 and like to support Scirra. But when I compare the growth of something like GMTK-GameJam or game Jams overall and the posts here in the forums, I'm pretty shure the growth of game making people is not coming here and that is mostly because of the insanly high paywall... Construct could be so much more, unfortunately it is all about the money.

    I'll stick to C2 even after july 2021. I fell in love with C2 a long time ago but I'm not making money with game design, so as a hobby C3 is simply not affordable for me. But since I do not plan to release any kind of game the support is no big deal for me.

    I tried out C3 for the last month (had to use it for work) but it convinced me to stick to C2 - I can't see those improvements that explain the price tag... but who am I to judge. I'm just a sad, disappointed, crybaby who comes here every now and than with some last hope that there might be better times again for hobby game designers like me.

    I don't think it happens on purpose. They always say they sell enough copies of C3... So be it.

    But if support waits until someone finds a way to force this bug, imho this is not enough. Several people report this bug here and it is an issue that put my project on ice for some weeks now.

    We can not track this bug mainly because there is no crash log implemented. If construct could log the problem we would have something to report.

    But if we find out the version where the bug started, wouldn't that help? You could track down the changes?

    I cannot support the window theory. Construct did crash when I tried to load a preview for an animation but my last two crashes happened 1. when I pushed ctrl Z, and 2. when I disabled an event. Turning autosave off does not change anything afaik.

    I started to get the same problems as discribed with the newest version of c2. No problems earlier. The timing doesn't fit to the autosave, because I just had a crash 15 minutes after the last autosave (and my autosave is set to every 20 minutes). I had a lot of crashes with the Sprite editor - loading new Sprites or trying to preview. But my last one was when I hit d to disable an event. So it seems very random, but it happens alot.

    I'm using Win 10, no Steam.

  • the limitations can be seen in your account window in C3. But they are rediculous. I meen you can hardly make a game with 100 events, but 50? I would like to try C3 although I don't like the subscription model. But when I've seen the limitations I immediately closed the window and went back to C2.

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  • After a while of trial and error I found a way to pick the next object above a moving object:

    (by picking all with a smaller y-coordinate and then picking the topmost object of them and then placing the moving object in front of the picked one). It works fine, but unfortunately it consumes more CPU to find this topmost object out of 1000 then rearranging the whole ZOrder. So it doesn't really help. My best solution so far is: doing rearrange Zorder every 1/20 seconds. So it consumes just 1/4 of my CPU power, but this solution seems a bit shabby. If anybody knows something better, please let me know.

  • thank you Blackhornet, but this is exactly what I'm already doing, as shown in the second screenshot and in my example (I hope those links work). And since I need to do it for all objects - static an moving, it takes to much power...

  • I use layer but I don't understand how it would help here. Since the tree somtimes must be in front of an object and sometimes behind, I would need a layer for every object (or every y-coordinate)...

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to make a game with a perspective like the old RPGs.

    If the Playersprite (or any NPCs sprite, moving objects like flying arrows...) is in front of a tree, it should be in front of it on the z-order. Is the Player behind the tree its Z-Order should be behind.

    Actually this is no problem with this piece of code:

    But if the Player decides to build a castle out of many walls, surrounded by many trees with lots of static objects around (around 1000 objects on screen might happen), this code uses a lot of horsepower to rearrange the Z-order every tick.

    I made a small example here:

    If you press space, new trees will spawn. If you make enough in Debugmode you can see it uses way to much ressources for just rearranging the order.

    Now my question: Is there a way to keep the Z-order of the static objects (like trees and walls) and just rearrange the Z-order of moving things?

    I aready tried to create a pixel for every y-coordinate on screen which is in the z-order-family and everything that moves is set in front of the pixel with the same y-coordinate. But somehow it didn't work very well - even spawning a pixel for every y-coordinate on start of layout takes ages on larger layouts.

    If there would be a way to pick the next object with a higher or lower y-coordinate on Layout, I would set the moving object behind or in front of it...

    So far my thoughts about the problem. If you have ideas, feel free to tell me, i'd appreciate it.

  • 13 posts