I am currently working on a isometric strategy game. While creating the map background (terrain, rivers, ...) I was thinking if it is better to make a (very) large image as background (X000px x X000 px) instead of placing object for object separate.
I may hit the limit of my english knowledge but I try to explain my problems:
A river or a rock do still need a collsion box.
If I use a huge image as background I would need a image as invinsible hitbox for each object I need collisions for (I do this already for all my units) .
If I would set every stone, tree and a single river as a object I would still need a hitbox for each object which would double the amount of objects.
What would you do? What is the best way to make a RTS Map with the least perfomance hit?
The amount of work is nearly the same so that is not a problem.
Some informations that may be relevant:
- the player can't create new objects (buildings, units).
- I have basically the following layers now (down to top): background (see above), units, other objects (buildings, usually objects the player can interact with), HUD.
Thanks :)