DarkViGaCi's Forum Posts

  • The "Destroy" action it is just a request to destroy the object. The object becomes destroyed only after the event sheet processing is finished (only on the next tick).

    For example, if you destroy objects, the "Object Count" expression will still consider the objects existing until the end of the current tick.

  • Is there a way to pick the last destroyed instance of an object? For example, in one tick I destroy several instances and I need to pick the instance that was destroyed last.

    Is there any equivalent to "System > Pick last created", only for destroyed objects?


  • You can use a Dictionary object, which you will save in LocalStorage as Dictionary.AsJSON.

    Next, save the state of your boxes in this dictionary. The key name for the dictionary is "Box."&Box.IID.

    The key value for the dictionary is Box.AsJSON.

  • I added an inventory with items:

    - Items can be installed on the tank to get stat bonuses.

    - Items come in different rarities.

    - Items of the same rarity and type can be combined to level them up.

    - Unneeded items can be sold.

  • Maybe you want to create map like this?

  • What do you mean? You have to set a size for the layout, don't you?

    You can set "Unbounded scrolling" option. After that "scroll to" can follow object outside the Layout.

  • Imagine a grid that covers the entire map. Each cell in this grid can only hold one unit at a time. When a unit moves from one cell to another, it marks the cell it's going to as "occupied" so that other units can't take it. When a unit leaves a cell, it marks it as "free".

    There are two types of obstacles: temporary (like another unit occupying a cell) and permanent (like a river that the unit will have to go around).

    Every time a unit moves to an adjacent cell, it checks if it's occupied by another unit. If the cell is occupied, the unit tries to find a way to go around it.

  • It's possible. I made this on Construct 3:

  • I added a battle results screen.

    The moving background is created using TileBackground. The movement itself is implemented by changing the "Image Offset X/Y" parameters.

    Next, I added a semi-transparent mask with "Destination In" blend effects.

    Everything else is implemented using the "Tween" behavior.

  • There is the simplest way to make a hexagonal grid in Construct 3.


  • Use "For each (ordered)" condition

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  • Day 3. Enemy's tank

    It's time to add an enemy tank to the layout and create AI for it. So, when the layout starts, enemy tanks are created. Each of them has its own health, damage and armor parameters. When the player's tank gets close to an enemy tank, the enemy change his mode from "sleep" to "active" and starts attacking the player.

  • Day 2. Player's tank

    It's time to add the player's tank to the Layout. I want the tank's movement to be very smooth and precise. Therefore, using the physics behavior isn't the best option.

    So, to create the tank, I used two invisible objects with the platformer behavior, which have the same parameters. Then I added a tank sprite and set its position as the midpoint between the two objects. Also, the tank's angle is the angle between these two objects.

  • Hi everyone! I'm starting development on my new game and I want to keep a development log, so you can follow along.

    My game is going to be a side-view tank battle game. The first thing I need to create is a level generator.

    Day 1. Level generator

    I used a pretty straightforward algorithm to create the generator:

    1. When layout starts, I add the coordinates of key points to the array. Each following points has a random coordinates that depends on the previous points (for example: random(-100,100) + oldX ).

    2. Next, I added two Tile Background objects to the layout: one for ground, the other one for grass.

    3. Then, using a loop and a special spline formula, I set positions the mesh points in a way that connects the key points from the array.

    Overall, I got a pretty decent level generator =)

  • Cubic() basically gives a cubic bezier spline where the two middle values are just control points. To have the control points land on the curve you could use Catmull-rom splines. You can find the formula for that online.

    Alternately you could expand cubic out to its actual formula and calculate what values to use for the second and third parameters so the curve lands on the control points.

    Thank you for your advice! Finally I create level generator with spline curve: