darksteeldanger's Forum Posts

  • thankyou much appreciated

  • ive just tried google drive and im having the same problem i can make the html index public and can get a link on my blog but the index is not displaying the game just the a page of code, nothing else.

    do i need to make all the files in the folder public or just the html index? is this a problem with construct? ive just installed ver99 and have only had problems since then, should i try the more stable version.

    if anyone has any advice id be in your debt, im gunna do a tutorial on this when its figured out cause this has caused me big problems

    Edit this is the code im getting

    <html manifest="offline.appcache">


        <meta charset="UTF-8" />


            <!-- This ensures the canvas works on IE9+. Don't remove it! -->

            <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />


            <title>New project</title>

            <!-- Note: running this exported project from disk may not work exactly like preview, since browsers block some features on the file:// protocol. Once you've uploaded it to a server, it should work OK. -->


        <!-- This outlines the canvas with a black border and makes the page background black. -->

            <style type="text/css">

                   body { background-color: black; color: white; }




            <div id="fb-root"></div>

            <div style="text-align: center;">


            // Issue a warning if trying to preview an exported project on disk.


                   // Check for running exported on file protocol

                   if (window.location.protocol.substr(0, 4) === "file")


                            alert("Exported games won't work until you upload them.");




                   <!-- The canvas must be inside a div called c2canvasdiv -->

                   <div id="c2canvasdiv" style="margin: 0 auto; width: 1200px; height: 900px;">


                            <!-- The canvas the project will render to. If you change its ID, don't forget to change the

                            ID the runtime looks for in the jQuery ready event (above). -->

                            <canvas id="c2canvas" width="1200" height="900">

                                    <!-- This text is displayed if the visitor's browser does not support HTML5.

                                    You can change it, but it is a good idea to link to a description of a browser

                                    and provide some links to download some popular HTML5-compatible browsers. -->

                                    Your browser does not appear to support HTML5. Try upgrading your browser to the latest version. <a href="http://www.whatbrowser.org">What is a browser?</a>

                                    <br/><br/><a href="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/default.aspx">Microsoft Internet Explorer</a><br/>

                                    <a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/">Mozilla Firefox</a><br/>

                                    <a href="http://www.google.com/chrome/">Google Chrome</a><br/>

                                    <a href="http://www.apple.com/safari/download/">Apple Safari</a><br/>

                                    <a href="http://www.google.com/chromeframe">Google Chrome Frame for Internet Explorer</a><br/>




            <br />


                   <!-- SCIRRA LTD LICENSE AGREEMENT





                   <!-- End of Scirra Ltd. free edition limitation -->

                   <a href="http://www.scirra.com" target="_blank" style="font-family:Arial;color:DodgerBlue;" title="Make games">Create your own HTML5 games with Construct 2</a>



            <!-- Pages load faster with scripts at the bottom -->


            <!-- Construct 2 exported games require jQuery. To save bandwidth, by default

            this is set to grab it off the Google content delivery network (CDN). Fall back to local if not available. -->

            <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

            <script>window.jQuery || document.write("<script src='jquery-1.7.1.min.js'>\x3C/script>")</script>


        <!-- The runtime script. You can rename it, but don't forget to rename the reference here as well.

        This file will have been minified and obfuscated if you enabled "Minify script" during export. -->

            <script src="c2runtime.js"></script>


                   jQuery(window).resize(function() {

                            if (window.c2resizestretchmode === 1)


                                    window.c2resizestretchmode = 2;        // put back when breaking back out of fullscreen

                                    var canvas = document.getElementById("c2canvas");

                                    window.c2oldcanvaswidth = canvas.width;

                                    window.c2oldcanvasheight = canvas.height;

                                    window.c2eventtime = Date.now();

                                    var w = jQuery(window).width();

                                    var h = jQuery(window).height();

                                    cr_sizeCanvas(w, h);


                            else if (window.c2resizestretchmode === 2)


                                    // Size event fires twice on FF + Chrome, ignore second trigger

                                    if (Date.now() > window.c2eventtime + 50)


                                            window.c2resizestretchmode = 0;

                                            cr_sizeCanvas(window.c2oldcanvaswidth, window.c2oldcanvasheight);





                   // Start the Construct 2 project running on window load.

                   jQuery(document).ready(function ()


                            // Create new runtime using the c2canvas




                   // Pause and resume on page becoming visible/invisible

                   function onVisibilityChanged() {

                            if (document.hidden || document.mozHidden || document.webkitHidden || document.msHidden)






                   document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", onVisibilityChanged, false);

                   document.addEventListener("mozvisibilitychange", onVisibilityChanged, false);

                   document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", onVisibilityChanged, false);

                   document.addEventListener("msvisibilitychange", onVisibilityChanged, false);




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  • dropbox has removed the public folders for new users (im not a new user but it has switch it for me(great!))

    heres some info dropbox.com/help/16/en

    so now it says you can use the links instead. this mean that all files are now public if you get the link, but when i try to link the htmlindex i just see code and not the game. need help!

    what am i doing wrong?

  • dropbox has removed the public folders for new users (im not a new user but it has switch it for me(great!))

    so now it says you can use the links instead, but when i try to link the htmlindex i just see code and not the game. need help!

    what am i doing wrong?

  • ok got it thanks a million

    it sucks about dropbox but im sure it will be no thing but a thing

  • is anyone else having trouble with dropbox? it looks like the public folder has been removed? ive looked on the forum and it says that all of dropbox is now public, but i cant copy and paste the html address like before. i also seem to have lost all the stuff that was in my piblic folder.

    is anyone else having this problem and have you figured it out?

  • ok i,ll have a look at that, how about the issue with licensed game pads? am i ok to use a clone of the xbox game pad?

    ok, had a look and i just dont understand what you mean by Chrome//flags ive had a look on the net but it dosent give me any info about game pads, im sorry for asking such basic questions but i need to get this sorted.

    also what the cus has happened to dropbox? where's the public folders gone? im in a right metamoligcal quandary about all this.

    thanks Ashley

  • ive just gone out and bought a game pad, so i can put it into my game, im having no joy what so ever

    first of ive bought i game pad that looks like an xbox controller but essentially is just a fancy copy, is tat a problem? does it have to be a licensed xbox game pad?

    secound could anyone give a brief tutorial on how you would map movement controls to the game pad, ive looked on the forum and there doesnt seem to be consensus on a simple way to do that.

    any help would be greatly appreciated.

    edit( also how do i get construct to recognise the game pad?)


  • thankyou

  • hello

    im trying to create a rts game and need help with troop selection.

    all i need is to be able to select a unit by left clicking on it, then i need to be able to move the unit selected by left clicking on the map!

    ive included a capx on how far ive gotten but im finding this really challenging for instance i find a way to select just one unit and not all of the same type do i need to use the instances?

    and why cant i set mouse> left click> map> set bullet angle mouse.x , mouse.y ....if i put in this last expression it gives me a syntax error.

    im confused...can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • hello

    im trying to create a rts game and need help with troop selection.

    all i need is to be able to select a unit by left clicking on it, then i need to be able to move the unit selected by left clicking on the map!

    ive included a capx on how far ive gotten but im finding this really challenging for instance i find a way to select just one unit and not all of the same type do i need to use the instances?

    and why cant i set mouse> left click> map> set bullet angle mouse.x , mouse.y ....if i put in this last expression it gives me a syntax error.

    im confused...can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • ive sent you a personal msg with my email

  • thats a really big help mate...thankyou

  • does any body know how i can control the scroll to speed?

    have a look at my capx example

    i want to slow down the speed of the arrow as its controlled by the mouse

    its to inaccurate at the moment

  • i agree im looking at the


    and its still not clear