darksteeldanger's Forum Posts

  • yeah im running the game in the browser(chrome). i just hit test. i didn't know there was a different way?

  • wats c2 ide?

    i just want to know why the example ive given wont work? why wont it pick up the block it always did before.

    but in general im getting loads of bugs.

  • is anyone else having trouble with construct recently? my code is all over the palce since the latest update. i got code that dosent work that i know ive had working. plus i cant inplament a simple pick up. ive done this hundred of times but it wont work now.

    heres an example of wat should work but doesn't? why,why,why?

    player is overlapping with brick>>>brick is destroyed

    down arrow is pressed              spawn new brick on player h

  • ok that sounds quite complex ive never used a group or a boolean instance before, ill have to have a good look in the manual see if i can figure it out.

    thanks for the replies

  • i dont think thats possible, how would you save the character from one layout to the next?

  • hey, i need help!

    the problem is quite simple im sure but i cant figure it out...

    ive have a game were the player can pick up blocks that make up the floor

    ive got that working but i cant stop the player being able to continuously pick up blocks from the floor. i only want the player to pick up one block at a time. ive created conditions for the picking up of the block, can i then put a block on this condition when other conditions are met?

    any help would be great!

  • thankyou sir!

  • im trying to make a 2 player game. i have given both players the platform behavior then simulated control for player 1 with wasd, that works. but i cant find a way to stop player 1 being controlled by the arrow keys as-well. ive looked at the forums for help but the examples on there all seem to negate the arrow control keys automatically.

    can anybody help?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • thanks mate...been waiting for exe files

  • this looks awesome, i wana play it!

  • does anyone know how to create an exe file?

    i though that was one of the new feature but i cant find a tutorial?

  • for some reason dropbox has has updated my account to there new settings

    with the new system you cant share your html file like you could before.

    it just doesnt work, Ashley said they were trying to find a new method.

    if your dropbox hasnt changed you will be ok, yours wont change and you can share as normal....but mine has changed and i lost all my work stored on there. massive bummer!

    one of the advantages of c2 is that abilty to sahre quikly and im surly missing that, ive tried simmiar things to dropbox bit nothing will work!

    any help will be appreciated.

  • has there been any new info on how to export the work i make in construct? dropbox doesnt work anymore, is there any other options? (except the arcade?)

  • hello

    i posted about a week ago about there being a change in drop box, new users and old users that have been given the new drop box are not able to use it for quickly posting there games.

    has anyone else had an idea what else could be done? i have games waiting to be posted, i cant post them, please can someone help?

  • ok this is a problem then, im guna keep on trying different options today, if i have a break through i'll post it. if anyone has anything to add that could help that would be great.