darkstar's Forum Posts

  • Please PM me for more details and the spec specifics.

    As part of the criteria to validate you can do the job please send me your answers to this questions:

    1. What are the names of the key files that make up a Javascript plugin in C2

  • Say i have a global variable called: trialtext

    How would I reference this object from a javascript plugin?

  • I have a new base64 image that I'm trying to replace one of the sprite image frames with. But I don't know how to access the sprite object in code to replace the frame. Ashley any ideas how I can do this?

  • From a javascript piece of code. Either in a script tag or from one plugin trying to interact with a sprite

  • how do i access the object from code?

    Say my sprite is named LargeImages?

    I'm just making this up... but how do i access the animation frame object from code? to Update the image in the frame to another image?

    For example, could it be something like this:


  • How can I load a base 64 encoded image into a sprite animation frame from code?

  • How do I access a Sprite animation frame from Javascript?

    What's the object path to access the file and replace with another image?

  • does gc support IAP?

    I had to re-write the IAP plugins for ejecta to make them work properly as the code wasn't complete.

    I haven't tried much with Ads yet, anyone with much experience with IADs and Ejecta?

  • <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> it's November 2013 now, and i'm wondering where this thread would be if we extended the conversation?

    What is the best performance platform if you don't want to use phonegap build or cocoonjs?

    Is anyone out there still expending efforts on ejecta other than me?

    Just interested as i haven't benchmarked the other export options for a while and wondering what other people are doing right now when looking for:

    1. performance

    2. IAP purchase

    3. Reconfigurability of the underlying to add/remove/alter functionality (last time i looked cocoon still provided you with a closed xcode package which i found rather annoying as it limited me from adding my own feature to the base line code.

  • Wondering if anyone knows how to tracked purchaeds events dynamically rather than declaring each product through a hardcoded event name?

    I'm trying to set up my C2 to dynamically load a list of products and set the "purchased event" dynamically based on a array or dictionary list of productid's


  • is there ever going to be an easy way to copy events and layouts with their assets into another project?

  • Sounds like you haven't copied the index.js file to the APP folder or you haven't run the (EjectaXporter_2d.bat) fnr to reaplace all the objects in the c2runtime.js file

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  • Wrote a plugin to extend the functionality to a expression that could be evaluated and return.

    This ended up being the least painful way to do this. I was using Cocoon, but have just recoded everything around Ejecta.

  • Does this work from an iPhone?

    this is what i get

    TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'window.btoa(

    ypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'btoa(

    where is the btoa object? how do i access this from? Don't understand why it works in C2 and chrome but iPhone spits out the i don't know this object error

  • I'm trying convert the below in a string that I can then bae64 encode using btoa( myString)

    But i can't for the life of me get the below Json string formatted in a way that i can run the btoa function on it.


        "event": "Signed Up",

        "properties": {

            // "distinct_id" and "token" are

            // special properties, described below.

            "distinct_id": "13793",

            "token": "e3bc4100330c35722740fb8c6f5abddc",

            "Referred By": "Friend"



    I've tried using \n to replace all the carriage returns. and "" for all the " and still i can't get this to work.


    Would be great if C2 could handle JSON in the editor. The AJAX Object is kind of crappy to deal with and for other projects i've written my own plugins to get around this.....

    Having a bad JSON formatting day. Please help