darkrayver's Forum Posts

  • <img src="http://oi40.tinypic.com/5uee7d.jpg" border="0" />

    Here's what happen when I use the event width to set its size.

    If I use animation it would be too hard. well maybe I'll use the text to temporarily show my hp/mana/exp.

  • Sorry, I'm still having a problem how do I set the width properly when taking damage. here's my event every tick set width (player.HP/500)*150

    this event work but both end of the bar is reducing going to the center.

    If I use the anchor only the right bar is reducing which is correct but

    the position of the bar is not accurate. If I use the event to position the bar it's hard cause I have this fancy looking life/mana/exp bar :D


  • thanks, at first I don't know where is it.

    now I found it, if someone doesn't know where parallax is create a new layer and add the GUI stuff there and click that layer on left panel find the parallax then set to 0,0

  • noob question how do I make the HP bar follow where my screen is going?.I have have a platform game ,I Tried the Anchor but not satisfied of the outcome, It's following the screen but if I stop moving it moves a bit like law of inertia.


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  • Hello again I'm still confused if only there's a way that I can change the every "x" action but nevermind. here's my sample game

    I would like to make my character do a combo if only he hit the enemy and if the combo took long the combo break and will start again from combo 1 to 4

  • I have a platform character which plays an animation attack if I press "Z"

    now I want my character to play different animation every time I hit "Z"

    doing a combo attack but I'm having a problem making a timer, I want my event to be like these, If I hit "Z" play attack animation 1 if I hit again play attack animation 2 and so on, but it must have a timer to reset the time if the animation 1 took so long then reset the again to play attack animation 1.

  • How do I check if the user input a name in my text box?

    I want my text box to check if the user doesn't input.

    I would like to make the condition if the user input a name then go to next action if not show text that the text box must have any string

  • Hello! can someone help me, I would like to make my character to cut trees by using the condition if mouse click the tree then move the player below the tree then play animation. I want my character to play the animation if it is below the tree and make the axe to hit the trunk of a tree.

    Thanks you in advance :)


  • Hello! I've been stuck in this problem, my condition is when mouse is over an object play the sound ONCE, but my problem is when my mouse is over the object the sound is playing in infinite because the condition is always true. could you help me? i also set the sound to not looping.

    thanks in advance

  • so i would like to create a Rhythm-matching game

    like this Rhythm-Matching

    my problem for now is how can i create notes? without making them randomly appears in the screen

    i would like the notes to go down like in the guitar hero.

    using arrow keys

  • i love you

  • so yeah i would like this little monster to think by itself by making a random animations

    thanks in advance :)

    i'm using r102

    random anim

  • how to make spawn objects have their different health

  • it scrolls too fast is there anyway I can control the sensitivity?