Darklinki's Forum Posts

  • arcgen

    We can help you to make that, but you have to provide us informations where you have the problems.

    Here is a possible beginning:

    + Every tick

    --> Set position invisible to (Player1.X - (distance(Player1.X, Player2.X)/2), Player.Y)

    --> Scroll to invisible

    //This would Scroll to the point between Player 1 and Player 2, you just need to make "more conditions" like:

    • Are the players after the scroll still on the screen ? If not scale out

    This could (hope so) done by adding this line to the every tick:

    + WHILE familly Player is outside Layer //Dont forget to add all Player Sprites to 1 familly

    --> Set Layer scale to scale + 0.1

  • Yeah, and it doesn�t work on every browser. But thanks got a solution already

  • Not possible cause LoadImageFromUrl doesn�t work crossside.

    I could do it but it won�t work.

    If you have any idea how I could make an working example.capx, I will do it.

  • Ups my failure, this got changed. You?re right ok, you don?t need to make them global :D I?m a typical programmer and so it makes for me no sense that non global objects, are global available.

    PS: Yes try it, this will work. With or without globals.

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  • No they are not, it?s right that they doesn?t get destroyed when you change the Layout. You can use them on every Layout, but in this case you want to save their position.

  • Without you need to insert on every Layout all sprites that you need for the menu.

  • All what you want will be done with my idea.

    At me you dont save the game to go to a different Layout, no you just pause the game and pop up a menue other it.

    The sprites need to be global, so they can get loaded in you current Layout. Let?s say something like this LINK

    So you have 4 global objects, 3 Buttons and 1 Background.

    Create them on the new Layout and get them in one container.

    So in your event sheet you just have 1 action:

    -> Set position background (0, 0) Layer HUD!!!

    Do you want an example ?

  • + on collide X with Y

    -> Create Object at (random(1, X), random(1, X))

    If you want it more detailed you should tell us more details ;)

  • I can tell you 2 easy ways to do this.

    First the really easy one and fast one.

    1. Make a "Main" group, put all the events out of the Layout in this one.

    2. Add another Layout + Event sheet

    3. In the new Layout:

    -> Create all sprites that you need in your pause menue(includes the pause button)

    -> Set all objects global

    4. In the Event sheet

    -> On start event that creates the pause button

    -> onclick event that disable your main group

    -> dynamicly create the pause menue like (set position menue (layoutwidth/2 ..))

    -> insert all events that you need in the pause menu

    -> onclick event that reactivate you main group

    5. Now you just need to insert the event sheet in every other Eventsheet there you need the menue ;)

    You can also use this menu in every other project there you want ;)


    "Is it possible to "save" layout A, go to a different layout, then, "load" layout A but have everything intact. But when the player enters the door "nornally" to go to another layout, then return to this layout, all objects must return to their original places." // I really dont understand what you want ^^

  • Why do you care about this, just don?t let c2 check it.

    Aslong as your PC supports in every browser WebGl and you don?t have any laggs or fps drops, every thing is fine.

  • With the 2-3 hours I talk just about the playable prototype, no arts, music ore something like that.

    Also with the XML Level Design.

    "and especially from scratch and without any pre-made code"

    This is wrong, I would say 60 percent is given in c2.

    And sry the hidden tools I dont found.

    I just wanted to say that this game will need much more work but this could get with some expansion(different bullets with different effects or something like that) to a really good game/app. It�s like angry birds, just that the player is the pig :D

    PS: Rotation does not work at me

  • +150

    Every thing is dark grey at me (editor, desktop and so on), except construct 2

  • This is my code:

    + function

    ++ For from site * 5 to site * 5 + 4

    --> Place everything

    --> Image set animation frame to loopindex - site * 5

    --> image Load Image From Url keep current size

    The Image got 5 frames all have the same size and the same sprite.

    What happens:

    • The First time everything works fine *gg*
    • The second time all images out of the first one have random sizes
    • The third time and so on same ...

    I never do anything with the with, so I really think its something what LoadImage does.

    Someone got a clue ?

  • Already translated 90% of the manual in german for my website.

  • Where are you from ? Germany ?

    You can add me via icq, just send me a pm.