darklad's Forum Posts

  • Ok I'll have to look at that.

    Thanks for posting the bug.

  • Hay it's darklad i decided to finish the Platformer School tutorial that deadeye started a while ago and left an open invitation to finish it. anyways here's a link to the next one.

    Platform school 6

    Oh yeah and if anyone want's to request things for me to stick in it just ask. And I'll think about adding it, and most likely will. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Nevermind I edited the script so it works now.

  • Hay this mainly angled toward deadeye but I'm willing to accept any help. I decided to take a break from my main project to work on finishing deadeye's Platform School. I can't seem to get the signs to work after I put it in my new file for lesson 6.

  • Hay it's me again I'm sort of at a standstill with my project. I sort of want an enemy that can do pretty much anything the player can jumping climbing those things and I want to chase after the player if it sees it. Can someone please help me?

    Link to Cap: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/30677634/FuturisticSchoolSource.zip

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the enemy is GummyKidMelee and his sword is the candy cane sword, forgot to down size that, I can can't really continue very far without it coded. Oh yeah if you can think of a way to make it climb it would be fabulous. Thanks alot if you can reply Oh yeah and one other thing the level this is about is just for comedy.

  • Question in my game I want to add an enemy that basically that works with the platform behavior and runs after the player attacking him with a sword, made of candy. Can anyone help me get this to work. I have no idea how to do it. Here's the Cap of the game so far I was planning on release it anyways.


  • Oh yeah I forgot to ask if anyone knew how to get my worm to stop traveling left and right while its going up. You can see the problem in my fixed example as well as the original.

  • Thanks alot it's working better now.

    Oh yeah and the reason the events look funny is because My actual game requires a few extra conditions that arent shown like if hes swinging a weapon.

    Heres a fixed product of my example.


  • To be more specific I find that it usualy only works on the middle frame of the crawl animation when i hit the arc in the middle of it.

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  • Heres a CAP File


    Yeah and it works slightly better in this cap than in the game but still only works half the time.

  • I probably sound really stupid but how do you add a attachment?

  • I'm having trouble with an enemy. I have to fall on a specific part on what seems like a specific frame for it to register I'm hurting it. Or if I'm not falling I have to be practically half way inside of it for register that it should attack. Can someone please help.

  • Is there a way I can create a save file for a game, more specificaly a platformer, marking the last checkpoint stats and other factors and have it reloadable at a later date? If so can someone please explain it.

  • Thanks that should do the trick.