DARKEASC's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • I know that it is a sensitive topic but a lot of other companies are switching to the subscription model. When Photoshop and Illustrator came out with a subscription, I was hesitant, especially at 50 dollars a month. However, looking back, I actually love the subscription model.

    It's easier to update and there is always something new feature that comes along that makes it worth it.

    For 99 dollars a year that about 8 dollars a month or 27 cents a day. I know that can be a lot of money in some areas but if you live in the developed world it really isn't that much money. Chances are you spend more on pizza than software. At 8 dollars a month it's cheaper than a photoshop license (19/mo).

    After working with the alpha, C3 is totally worth every penny. I look forward to the full version. It will be the easiest way to get your idea out there for the least amount of effort.

    That's the part that worries me, just search "USD COP" in google. However I am still considering the subscription when I see any significant change in C3 over C2, I mean, they have made an amazing job porting C2 to a browser and improve some details but I was expecting something that blow my mind, anyway it will be really hard to find a great event system like construct have anywhere.

    I have a question, I don't know if that was answered before, If I find C3 would be good for me in 1, 2 or more years, I will have the discount for having a C2 license by that time?


    > > Why?

    > >

    > > C2 still exists.

    > >


    > Hello Don Mattrick!


    > I don't like the subscription,


    but subscription is for C3 not C2.. C2 is still the same. with the 1 time payment. C3 is the subscription product... if you want to get it you get C3 and subscribe if not... keep the C2 license for life that will never change.

    Tom i think people are confusing the subscription plans for what they truly are.

    maybe a more clear(S&S) update would fix this misunderstanding?

    I am not confusing anything, I said I would subscribe to C3 if there is feature worth of a subscription. I recommend you to quote the full text and not taking the arguments from another users out of context, or maybe you just did not get the reference of "Don Mattrick" ?

    I know I have the C2 license, and I know I can still use it unto the end or the times, but I expect a great improvement in a major release and features that make me want to get a subscription.


    C2 still exists.

    Hello Don Mattrick!

    I don't like the subscription, I understand it is a good business model for scirra, but not for users. However I can consider C3 if I see a feature that worth a subscription, until now I see only a few improvements over C2.

    For those comparing another subscription software services, it is not a very fair comparison, they have a lot of features than conventional software.

    The event sheet and behaviours are the thing that makes Construct a great tool, but let's be honest, it is the only thing that give it advantage over other engines, after that, other engines have a lot of benefits construct don't.

    I hope they are keeping a great feature for the end, I am really hoping for a reason to subscribe to C3 !

  • Hello everyone,

    This post has not been updated since a year ago. But I just bought the personal edition and started using the family feature, but i found the same issue, the exact same problem of the .capx with the color boxes, did you get any idea of how to deal with that ? Thanks

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  • Hello i am a newbiee in the forum and the software.

    I have been playing with the plug in and it is perfect for what i want to do.

    But, i dont know what am i doing wrong, i can not reproduce the same resutls with the project I edit and the example capx of path finding.

    My capx works in the same way but only when I choose the Grid Move Behavior with "Force Move" enabled. In the example, this option is disabled, and works.

    Could somebody help me to find my problem? I have checked all the afternoon and I can not see any difference in my project and the example.


  • 5 posts