dapitangraphics's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Hi Mates,

    Feel Free to ask for sample:). We can conceptualize your character first, No worry its 100% free. Before we proceed to your project.

    We also Accept Rush Jobs!

    We can provide you a Fully Original Character

    All Drawings must hand drawn first before it goes in color.

    Colors Scheme with correct Lightning Effects, Shadows to form 2D procedure

    Ensuring Quality that will surely fits to your requirements.

    Low price yet High Quality Jobs & On-Time

    We can bring your Idea to Reality!

    Our Pixel Art Project we did on our Client


    Email: dapitanaldin (at) yahoo.com

    Skpye : aldin.b.dapitan

    Thanks & Happy to serve you!


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  • Hi haddy22,

    We are interested on the job We are expert on animation

    Here's our animated sample we did on our happy clientHere's


    my skype: aldin.b.dapitan



  • Hi Mates,

    We have a Solid Team to make you happy with our services

    dapitangraphicscorp is a Competitive Graphics Online Provider Solution

    We assure our Clients Fully Satisfied with our Services.From Idea to Scratch and turn into Reality and Bring More to life. Incredible and realistic yet Low Prices from Character Illustration to Animation that will surely fit to your requirements.

    We can provide you a Fully Original Character

    All Drawings must hand drawn first before it goes in color.

    Colors Scheme with correct Lightning Effects, Shadows to form 2D procedure

    Ensuring Quality that will surely fits to your requirments.

    Feel Free to visit our new website :


    Skpye : aldin.b.dapitan

    Thanks & Happy to serve you!



  • 3 posts