Danwood's Forum Posts

  • Recommended specs will always be high. The minimum specs should be able to be much lower considering the 2D nature of the game, however because of serious limitations that are endemic to Construct's codebase, which are continuously denied but easy to spot just by looking at the engine code, that hasn't been possible. Even low resolution pixel art games stutter, and that's not just due to garbage collection.

    It's simply not a tool for any sizable - or sustainable - game development, period, in its current state. Or seemingly in C3, based on the expectations of either a browser-based or wrapped-browser IDE, on either desktop or mobile, and certainly not on any console, marketing claims aside.

    I'm not even sure the appropriate words exist in the English language to fully express the frustration I had getting even acceptable, let alone good, performance in Sombrero - and I've been dealing with web-based tech professionally for around 20 years. While I understand some (Ashley) will blame others for performance issues, that's simply not the case here - the engine just can't cut it for anything large, and definitely not anything that is meant to run at resolutions expected out of modern desktop games, 2D or otherwise.

    Don't even get me started on collision (or often, lack thereof) issues, unstable frame rates, buggy native behaviors that Scirra refuses to fix (jumpthrough issues, for example), or missing features that are common enough that I can comfortably say they're available with any other option natively - and by "natively" I mean the actual definition of the word, not the one that Scirra misuses all too often to obfuscate performance issues that can be linked directly to C2.

    Anyways, live and learn. There's other tools out there without these issues. I'd suggest looking into them. The event system is cool, but the albatross it's currently shackled to is held together with duct tape and bubble gum that's icky and gooey and the seams are showing.

    Checking the spec required by your game it seems odd to me it requires so much. Me and my team mate work on a large project as well (check DinoSystem on Steam), which simulates a whole ecosystem with dozens animals roaming, eating, hunting, mating and doing their buisiness, hundreds plants growing, a dynamic weather system, seasons, thousand objects on the map. Still, the game runs fine on my mid-range laptop.

    I agree C2/3 with html5/wrapper is not the more efficient engine to work on a large project, but still seems strange Sombrero needs that specs. Maybe its the destructible world feature or collisions, i'm quite curious about it and would like to know more.

  • great, let's hope so!

  • Do you think most plugins and effects for C2 will be compatible with C3 as well?

  • I already do it by using a permanent object (say, an array) in my game instead of global variables. The problem is i just recently started this approach and still have tons of globals to turn into object variables with all affected events.

  • NW.js RC1 based on chromium 56 works fine for me and the flickering issue is fixed.

    https://dl.nwjs.io/live-build/01-11-201 ... f-8de33e2/

  • Someone stick this post plz

  • Are there more than one package.json files? I only edit the one inside package.nw o.O

    EDIT: nevermind i'm retard as always, they're in exporters\html5\nwjs

    I always used to directly edit the exported file...

  • If this gets fixed after this report you get a statue!

  • I've tested the latest NW.js 0.19 beta1 and it works:


    I've also niticed a CPU usage drop, can someone confirm it?

  • Ashley Thanks for the explanation

  • Pretty much just a improvement with tiling non power of two (npot) textures. By improvement I mean it'll look better. Right now npot textures are stretched onto power of two textures before it can be tiled.

    Seems like something at least, i hope for optimizations as well

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  • Ashley announced on Twitter webgl2 is coming with Chrome 56. My question is: are there potential direct beneficts for us C2 devs? I don't necessarly mean new features, but also optimizations and improvements.

  • May I plug you our Official C2 Discord Server,

    with a fairly large amount of active users and quick help with any kind of C2 related problems.

    I will

  • TheRealDannyyy

    No worries, you actually helped me fix the issue, what's left is a minor thing, the main problem is gone! Thanks!

  • > Now, the only issue is not really a big deal, i just need to know if there is a "global" form/ID for button objects as well (like "body" for other objects", so i dont need to assign a formID to all the 100+ buttons in my projects


    Armaldio gave me this code, try this one out please:

    "$(function(){$(document.body).mousedown(function(e){if(e.button==1)return false});});"[/code:2997l2jh]
    EDIT:[/u][/b] In the worst case you could create families for the form elements and assign them an ID.

    The code is just like the one i found, works fine for "body". So i can assign form ID to whole button family? Because i can't find the form proprieties of the button family in the editor