Danwood's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    Sine behavior changes values each time you enable/disable it via events.

    Description of Capx

    Two sprites with Sine behavior which can be turned on/off by the player movement.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1: move the player to the central sprite (enables sine)
    • Step 2: get away from the central sprite (disables sine)
    • Step 3: repeat Step 1 & 2

    Observed Result

    The Sine value (magnitude?) will be changed if you deactivate then activate the behavior.

    Expected Result

    Sine value should remain the same as set in the object behavior window (or events).

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r188 Beta

  • I'll do it later this evening when i get back home, if A0Nasser doesn't preceeds me as he did with the capx. I'll use his capx for the report since he made it

  • The value will be changed if you deactivate then activate the behavior.

    Exactly, you made if quicker than me, i was doing the same capx.

  • Yes i was aware of that change and it must be caused by it as i wrote previously. I'm preparing a capx with a proper bug report, even though i was sure the bug was explicit.

  • Its working, its just not using the preset values.

    However you can set them directly after you enable the behavior.

    Yes it works, but there is something very odd happening, i suspect the Magnitude value isn't working correctly when you enable it via events, and with low values it looks like it's not working at all.

  • Sine (Angle mode) doesn't work anymore IF enabled via events. If i set it enabled right from the start it does work, but if it starts disabled and then i enable it in an event, nothing. Other sine modes seem to work, but not Angle.

    Note: there may be possible bugs with the other sines as well, sprites Size / Position changes for example seem to be permanent now, this could have something to do with the last sine fix in r188.

  • Thanks, the second worked like a charm

  • I got Spear and Monster

    Spear has an imagepoint called "Impact"

    i got this event:

    Player attack triggers:

    -Spear is overlapping monster -> monster gets dmg

    I want that that last condition only triggers if spear Imagepoint "Impact" is inside Monster collision sprite, how can i archive that?


  • Getting the same message, i was kinda desperate thinking it was my project being messed up!


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Unknown IParameter type

    Condition: false

    File: DataJSON.cpp

    Line: 2145

    Function: void __cdecl Exporter::ParameterToJSON(class std::basic_ostringstream<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,class era::IParameter *,int)

    Build: release 186 (64-bit) checked

    Component: HTML5 exporter

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Interrompi Riprova Ignora


  • I almost can't believe this is made in C2, this looks STELLAR. Somewhere between a survival game like don't starve and a god game, with real life inspired gameplay and DINOSAURS!

    I'm really impressed, and really excited for it to be released.

    You just grasped the soul of the game and the source of its inspiration!

    C2 is a powerful tool, the world will understand

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  • An uncompromising survival and ecological simulation inspired by games like SimLife, Don't Starve and Notrium.

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      Ecosystem simulation: the game simulates everything from plants, animals and weather, to seasons and day/night cycle. All living things, and even the soil, evolve over time according to simulated parameters. Nothing "spawns" from nothing: kill all animals or plants of a given species, and it will become extinct. God mode: introduce new animals, alter the weather, create barriers to isolate a species or lay destruction with asteroids and other calamities. See how the world adapts to your godly whishes, or set the starting rules and just watch how things evolve. Survival mode: join the ecosystem as a survivor; you require to eat, drink, sleep, watch the temperature and protect from predators. The survival mechanics even allow your body metabolism to change according to the way you survive, along with body muscles and fat! Build a shelter, gather fruits, farm or hunt: how you survive is up to you, and you'll see long-term changes to your body and skills according to your virtual life-style. Realistic temperature: the character temperature model is very realistic as everything is taken into account; from proximity to fire, being soaked, wind chill, sun exposure, and even physical activity and being idle/sleeping. Ambient temperature is influenced by season, time of day, weather and humidity. Stats and skills: complex skill system which allows to learn, and even unlearn things you don't practice. Stats like strength and athletics depending on character muscle mass, metabolism, weight and general condition. Breed dinosaurs: get familiarity with the ancient beasts, learn how to handle them, steal an egg and raise your own triceratops! One planned feature is to have a genetic pool that each animal inherits from its parents: this will generate a principle of natural selection (and thus small-scale evolution), and will give you a reason to breed a particular animal. Open-ended gameplay: the game has no fixed purpose to fulfill. Play as long as you like, experiment, see how far you can go and how fat you can get, survive the apocalypse, or die of dysentery and starvation! The world keeps changing and you with it. Archivements: non-linear, open-ended gameplay doesn't mean you won't get rewarded: the game tracks your archivements as you bring your ecosystem to glory or successfully survive as part of it.
  • Danwood ,

    This is great work indeed! I am particularly impressed with how well different elements blend together to form the visuals. Like the grass and the dirt, the mirage effect of the heat, the shadows from the clouds, the sun reflection on the ponds, the rain... And this is only the visual part. I can't begin to imagine how you put together so complicated interactions!


    Thanks a lot

  • Wow that looks AMAZING!!!

    what a brilliant game idea...

    I love the Desertification

    I am so impressed

    Wish you would write a tutorial on how you did that..its brilliant

    Bravo!!!....Great concept

    Awesome visuals and music

    well done...

    cant wait for the full game

    looks great

    Thanks so much for sharing that..Highly recommended

    Thanks man! Check your email!

  • Danwood I really like your grass and tree sprites. How did you make them? I need some Tree and Grass assets for my game and I have no idea how to get them to look realistic like yours.

    If by grass you mean the ferns, i made them with Gimp, if you mean the grass terrain, i started from a photo and heavility modified it with Gimp. The tree texture are brought from Dosh (popular site selling assets) and modified to match the game

  • Me and my team mate want to thank you for this AWESOME engine, it really made our dream project come true! We want that all people know about Construct 2, and when our project will be released we'll strive to spread the word even more! This is our project, DinoSystem: http://www.dinosystem.com/

    Again, THANK YOU so much for your great product,

    Giulio & Daniel