Danwood's Forum Posts

  • Kickstarter update: we're close to 900$!

  • DinoSystem Kickstarter campaign is finally live!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This game should also be on scirra homepage.

    Speechless.... "and inspired"


    Btw, we're starting to get some press coverage

  • noooooooooooo

  • When i increase or reduce a tiled background, it indeed expands it (increasing the number of tiles used) or reduces them. But is there an option to reduce the size of the tile itself W/O reducing the actual resolution?

  • We're developing a rather large scale game (check my signature for info) with a huge map where thousand instances interact (plants, animals, objects). C2 allows that, you can be sure of this, it heavily depends on your skills.

  • Alright, i swear i've never seen "add parameter" and i was going crazy! Solved, thanks!

  • I've used many function in my project, but i never ran into the necessity to allow a function to pick an object previously picked by the condition of the event that called the function.

    For example, i have:

    Object is visible

    Object overlaps Tree

    -----> Call "lol" Function

    Then, on"lol" Function, how can i tell the function to pick the previous Object sprite?

    Sorry if this question has been asked previously, i can't manage to find anything that i could understand, and my team mate (who is more seasoned with C2) is unavailable!

  • I'm wondering whther it is more performant this:

    Every 1 sec

    Sprite is on screen

    -----------------> Set Sprite effect "normal mapping" enabled

    Or this:

    Sprite is on screen

    Trigger Once

    -----------------> Set Sprite effect "normal mapping" enabled

    The second one does the intended effect,of course i dont need the game to set every second "normal mapping" enable, BUT, i'm unsure about the conditions: does the game checks every single DT if the sprite is on screen in second example? In that case, is it batter to let the game check once every 1 sec, so that it doesn't get cluttered with check every frame? (i got plenty of those events).

  • Not really sure why it doesn't have an unfocus. But a way to workaround it, which is not pretty, but works is to make a button offscreen, and in the "On slider changed" you add "Set focus button " and then "Unfocus button"

    It worked

    Since i'm too lazy to work on my own sliders/buttons, i'll stick with this workaround, and in future i'll replace them with something better.

  • Alright, so in my game you control your character (or the camera) with keys.

    But, in cheat mode or god mode (where you play the ecosim) you have some sliders controlling the weather.

    As i change a slider, and then continue, for example, running (W key) the input doesnt work and the slider becomes focused, as in this screen:

    I was looking for an action for the slider "stop focusing" or something, which the Buttons have, but nothing...

    Is there a way to prevent this?

  • We are going to launch a Kickstarter before the end of February!

  • I've implemented another workaroung, basically i've created a second sprite attached to the player (who has the sine), this Sprite follows the same movements of the player sprite (responds in the same way to the key imput etc), but does not have the sine. When the game needs to know the base angle, i tell it to use the new Sprite's one.

    That's not very efficient, but looks effective. i still need to try out your suggestions.

  • ...even if the object's Sine Angle is changing it's de-facto angle??

  • I had this idea for a game for a vary long time and never really thought i could make it myself. When i found out about C2 and tried it i figured i could make it happen if i really wanted to! So i just started messing around. I had it all in my mind and just let my creativity do the rest. Things fall into place when i work and new ideas arise.

    Same here.

    I started as a total profane in game development, and my very first creation is the one which i'm still workin on (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =331479068). Over time, i gradually learned new things, refined my skills, implemented new ideas, and here we are, in the middle of the alpha stage with a very complex project going on!