danuyos's Forum Posts

  • thanks Kyatric .... re-uploading my video

  • Hi, sorry if this topic doen't belong here...

    I created a tutorial and was trying to embed a GoogleDocs video in iFrame format, but it doesn't work... are Youtube videos the ONLY ones that can be embeded here?

    I don't want to re-upload everything


  • Hi, actually this is not a game, but I wanted to know how well Construct2 does with fighting games and this is what I got.


    I'll be posting some tutorials on that demo for the ones who are interested

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  • bscarl88 I just re-read your messages and not, it seems my system is more simple, and it has been the same since the beginning.. frame-dependent collision poligons, the character uses collisions only for strikes, nothing else

    also I'm not using pixel perfect collision.. was that already implemented? or maybe I'm thinking in another feature (using alpha channel as collision mask) just a general box, since the characters are "super-deformed" there is almost no difference between standing and crouching collision boxes

    I already started recording the first video:

    1.custom platform movement and set up.30 minutes of boooooring stuff (coming soon in 2013 hahha)

  • Hi, I just noticed I never introduced myself haha

  • BluePhaze hi, thanks for the tip, but I think it has to do more with the animation itself.. I deleted some frames because I thought they were too much, and there was also a short "after technique" animation during which you can not perform any move, that I didn't include

    As I see in many fighting games, when you score a combo, the animations are actually faster than the simple move, probably adding more frames to the animation and teaking the settings would do the trick, but since this is not a finished game I won't go into much detail (my collisions are handled "dynamically" so even a 100 frames animation wont affect the interactions, but only the speed or "recovery" time)

  • jayderyu ErekT Eisenhans NotionGames devMidgard danny

    bscarl88 Joannesalfa BluePhaze tyfricko totoe ShabbyCat kenli

    urbano shinkan ArcadEd baterism shinkan

    Adyeniel VonBednar

    Hi everybody, it's almost 4:00 am in my country but you're a great audience and you deserve this: the final update(final features) for the basic fighting game engine. hahaha

    Coding AI might take a lot of time and effort so I'll start with the videos in the meantime.(soon)

    There are still some gameplay issues like cornering the opponent and hitting him while he is on the air (you will win the round as far as he doen't touch the floor), but I'm tired..zzz

    The first video will cover basic mechanics and animation set-up so there is still time to fix bugs, specially on my collision system so please play with it a little and post feedback, try to get a friend or relative to help with P2, because i can't have a "real" fight (you know, I only got 2 hands to hit the keyboard).

    You can check the new features on the first post... or just go and test it haha.

  • you can follow any of these tuts



    I followed the Old version of teh first one and worked

  • thanks ErekT, I 've also read something about AI for fighting games, and already though on something similar to your suggestion, the tricky part is to make a "tree" of infinite (or almost) possible actions, and also transform all my code to functions so the AI will take on the same code of player2.

    The only problem I have is time, I have some papers to work on, and for the next 2 weeks I won't be able to make big progress so I prefer to publish the tutorials in the meantime..

    I think I just finished the basis of the engine, and probably during the weekend I'll update the demo, so you can look for bugs before I start recording the videos... (finally a Ken vs Ryu battle!!!)

  • bscarl88 you mean like the old Killer Instinct rock/paper/scissors?.. actually my system relies only on who performed first but since I don't have 4 hands to play with the keyboard I haven,t considered that situation... I haven't even considered hadoukens collisioning with each other hahahaa.. ready to fix it

    not path finding.. just plattform movement.. I'm trying to make it simple (although it's very complicated) so only basic plugins, so far only sprites, plattform movement and tiled backgrounds (health bars). also the animations/motion respond tho the strenght of the attack during the shoryuken

    I'm still fixing the collisions bugs

  • Will have a status of how to do this or will release the capx?

    urbano yes!!, I only started the topic to see if people were really interested on the tutorial.. As soon as I have a working base engine I'll start recording video-tutorial.. I have to check some collision issues and add Character-selection... I'll let more experienced users to deal with the Ai since that is not my field of expertise.

    Hopefully by the end of next week I'll be releasing the first one.

  • haha that's funny, I see that!

    how do you get the player box to follow the shoryuken animation? so he can still be attacked while doing the shoryuken

    bscarl88, your question made me realize a bug on my collision system, I'll check that... in theory you'll be able to hit the character performing the shoryuken when he is falling down, or from behind, but rigth now that bug is not allowing to do that

  • haha I found a funny thing... take the payer2 to the right wall (pressing right arrow), move player1 close to him... make player2 jump and then player1 perform a strong shoryuken (D-S-D_O)....

    player2 will be sent to the moon and never come back hahahaa

  • those are triggered events..for example.. if you have an event like this:

    If "variable" is > 0.... that will check if true in every tick

    If your event has the "arrow", it will be ignored until that trigger is sent... resulting in less computing for the pc/device

    am I right? anybody to confirm... I learned that from another game engine...

  • thanks, but that wasn't the problem.. apparently you can't change the time scale in the same event to the same objects..I called another function to restore the timescale and it worked