danno55's Forum Posts

  • Hi Guys

    simple question here....

    i am trying to use "append text" to show something like " the variable is :" varX but have it dont every tick because varX is tilt reading....but it keeps appending the new reading onto the old one and so on. i obviously want the varX to be replaced rather than keep appending...does that make sense?



  • thanks!

  • Id like to have a link on the opening page that links to a web address. The game is exported using Cocoonjs for iphone. Is this possible?



  • hi all!

    ive got a background sprite graphic on one layer and on the main layer i have a button, and when the button is in the correct position in the construct view, relaltive to the background, it is in the wrong place when actually running.

    any thoughts?



  • Hey folks....im using cocoonjs to export for iphone and i still cant get it to center the window in the different iphone aspect ratios. Ive read the design for different screen sizes tutorial, but it the black bar on either side dones work....it puts the window all to one side and leaves a bar on the other...

    any ideas?



  • Finally got my first app on the app store using C2 and cocoonjs! Im pretty excited...

    its actually not a game though but an engineering app....check it out if your interested....


    ive requested a few promo codes for free distribution....if anyone is really interested in trying this out i could send a code...

    Thanks again for all the great support from the forums and the great construct product!...i also didnt have any technical issues using cocoonjs! thansk!

    Dan Shaw

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • thanks ill give this a try

  • I folks....could someone please point me to a step by step method to test cs2 games on the android SDK emulator? I dont have an android device right now to test but would like to see if it works on the emulator...

    What i have done so far is:

    1. used cocoonjs to compile both the development and distribution adk files.

    2. downloaded eclipse with the adk bundle.

    im a little confused when it comes to what to do next with the signing and what not...i did read the tutorial but that seemed to be geared towards going to trying on an actual device. same with the cocoonjs documentation...

    any ideas? im still a newbie at this so pardon the ignorance...



  • hi guys...im trying to figure out what the math should be to calibrate one axis to "level".

    lets say the error in the measurement is 2 degrees....andi have a surface that is unknown levelness....

    if i take a touch beta measurement on that surface, then rotate the phone 180 degrees and take a second measurement, i get the error shouldwork out to be :

    error = (measurement1+measurement2)/2    

    then subract the error from the touchb.beta and you should have the anglular measurement relative to actual level.

    but its not working for some reason and im not sure why

    any ideas?



  • Hi Guys

    getting close to getting an app on the app store. Got it launching through cocoonjs and its working nice.....

    i designed it with a 16:9 aspect ration mainly for iphone 5s. im using letterbox scaling with the idea thatit would have the black bars on the tope and bottom when using the older iphone5 3:2 ratio. when launching on the cocoon launcher, the app is all the way at the top of the screen with the black bar at the bottom.....any ideas how to get that centered? or stretch to fit?



  • hey folks?

    I've been working on my first app for a while now and and the end is in sight?.only problem is that I'm beginning to realize what a PIA it is to get something on the app store?.my mac is an 07 mac book running 10.7.5. i come to find that the newest version of Xcode requires 10.8, but 10.8 is been replaced by maverick OS?.which apparently needs an 08 macbook or newer!..ugh?

    im not really a Mac person, but all my mobile devices are apple?so thats why i decided to make the first app for the app store?.

    but now i am wondering if developing an android app with construct has less hoops to jump through?.

    any thoughts?




  • is this possible? using the camera on a smart phone for the user to create custom photo graphics?



  • thanks! will try that

  • hi guys....

    ive got a sprite with 2 separate animations...the first animation is used for an actual animation but the second just contains different images that I want to use "set frame" to show the images (without it animating)...

    so when using "set frame" on an object with multiple animations, how do you specify which animation your picking the frame from?



  • anyone know the answer to this? seems that accel with and without gravity are the same....both with gravity...so the value changes as the phone is rotated around due to gravity....im looking to just measure acceleration due to change in velocity....

