For exampe, I need parse the site's favicon in an iframe. Thanks in advance.
What is your 3rd party plugins you're using?
Joannesalfa Node-Gecko is a idea that I have, it is on my first post.
We need a plugin that permit making apps for Firefox OS, with access to Contacts, Dialling, Files and other APIs.
Too, I'll contact NW.js creator for making NG.js (aka Node-Gecko) for emulating apps and operating systems made with Construct 2.
deathangel1479, how do I make this shiny-working with JSON in my CAPX? Too, I need to set animation of two first icons accourding to name of character in JSON.
Can you send the .CAPX of your project?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I'm making a character system, that read his infos in XML files;
How can I load data from XML accourding to touched button (in his IDs)? And from loaded XMLs, get the nickname of char and put into "Window Text"?
The project's CAPX. Thanks in advance for who can help.
alextro Thanks!
Thanks, guys!
volkiller730 where is this tutorial/topic? I can't find this.
Yes, I'm already using this. But what I need is more complex, and I've already got a idea for making this ideal for my purposes.
Is more complex making this. Construct 2 don't have the possibility to return to last layout, only moving between layouts by order in project. I have an idea for developing this.
How do I make a system that in any layout that the user click in an arrow button, return to previous layout in history? Does C2 haves this function, need a plugin or global variable? Thanks in advance.
TheDom I need remember the picked coins value and deleted instances, on Local Storage.
JMKit, np. I've used the bring to top trick and solved problems with my games.