damainman's Forum Posts

  • Awesome! I totally missed this. The star of my game has been in and out of the hospital with a nasty flu, which turned into an ear infection and now a mystery virus :(

    Thanks for the awesome plugin! Can't wait to try it...if I can only get a little time now between work and Maddi being sick.

    It only took me 2 hours to get the flying level up and running in the CC version of Go!Go!Maddi! Hopefully I can do it the same way!!

    Again thank you very much!!!

  • Any word on how this plug-in is coming along? Dying to get my hands on it!!

  • A little more Maddi and Robo-Daddy :) I've learned the secret of sega's old gfx: scan, downsize, 16 colors, dither. Saves drawing **** loads of backgrounds although I still have to go in and touch them up quite a bit...

    <img src="http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/602986_10200429995574429_400561413_n.jpg" border="0" />

  • Updates... levels... eventually incoming.

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/title.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/ww1.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/ww2.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/ww3.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/rddy1.png" border="0" />


  • Looks great JJ!

    Yeah Youtube has a way of **** hurting videos when you upload them.


  • Pode

    I'm honestly not all that interested in the mobile market yet. I'm perfectly happy with it being run on a computer from a browser. I'd love to see it run on the Wii U, but I just tried my demo on the browser and it ran worse than it would on any handheld device...

    PC and MAC is enough for me :)

    I've used nothing but WebGL to do the fx in my game. Once this plugin is finished I'll be moving on from Constuct Classic as the bonus level of my game is a space harrier style coin collecting level and that is the main reason why I haven't switched over completely yet... and the water in my "wild west" level looks stupid doing a multi layer scroll.

    And thank you so much for doing this plug in - you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to it!


  • Anyword on this...I've been out of the loop for a month on pain killers and muscle relaxants (back is out). I haven't touched anything since Oct 31st. I saw we got the sprite collision disable ability so now I can remove all of the work arounds I coded for that :D

    But I'm really dying for a perspective skew!

  • New Demos are out (c2 version buggy and cpu heavy as it is in Alpha stage). Things are missing from both and some things very between the two versions but they should be playing exactly the same now.


    • Stage 1-2 now has a halloween theme.
    • Layout of player stats etc changed.
    • New energy bar + 5 hitpoints instead of 3.
    • Pumpkin King Boss at the end of 1-2
    • Multi directional shooting and dream grenade update.
    • No more check points! You reappear where you died. (still glitchy and only on the CC version.)
    • The C2 version is still very much under development compared to the CC version. There are a lot of things changed or missing from CC to C2 and I've had to come up with a lot of work arounds.There is no need to tell me what you find wrong with the C2 version, I'm well aware of it's problems and missing bits!
    • Game over screen added (CC version)
    • Other little things I'm forgetting.
    • The 2nd player is no avaliable in either game yet. The second player stat bits are missing from the CC version.
    • Wanted to add falling leaves to CC version but ran out of time.
    • FX missing from pumpkin king in CC version.

    Keys are (both versions):

    XandZ are action buttons, Arrow keys shoot.

    Keys for C2 version on title screen:

    5 - coins

    1 - start

    Enjoy the beta/alphas They are both fully playable but still have their individual glitches the C2 one has no gameover or level complete screen and sprite z priorities are still slightly messed up.

    Ghost sound removed ;)

    Go!Go!Maddi! Halloween Beta Windows only!!

    Go!Go!Maddi! Halloween Alpha HTML5/WebGL version Only!!!

  • Hey! Thanks for the awesome reply! Yeah, I'm no fan of the sound in it's current state. I'm having issues controlling the volume of the fx. There is no music in this version of the demo but the next version will have all of the place holder music in it. I'm not going to touch the actual music/fx until I'm nearly done the game. It's probably the most time consuming thing I have to do.

    I am using a partial tile based background but the trees and grass are sprites - skew only works on sprites. This demo also wasn't optimized at all. For things that are off screen now they are set to hidden until coming onscreen. Which should be reducing the cpu load.

    I have noticed that once you begin the cave stage the game slows to a grind *ONLY* of played from after the first stage. Something from the previous layout is staying behind. Although everything should be clearing. Also the animation of the coins kills the frame rate for some reason.

    The fog is altered in the new version of the game as well. I won't be removing it though. It's supposed to make the game harder in that area.

    This is my first game in construct and I've actually learned how to do other optimizations that will be done in the end. For example I had no idea what families were and did not use them say in the instance of bullets. When I began the html5/webgl version of the game I learned how to control things like that so I'll end up going back and adding (technically removing) parts like this.

    I will have a new demo coming out on halloween hopefully. The first level was rebuilt to have a halloween theme. And the end of that stage has a boss. I'll be posting the html5 version as well although if your computer was picking up the pace on the dx9 version, the html5 version unavoidably will do worse. I don't think it's meant to handle the level of stuff I've thrown at it haha!!

    Anyhow, stay tuned for a new demo this week. I'll be removing the ghost sound as I know thats the one that irritates me. The music covers up everything else. I'll host the exe file on my own site this time so the placeholder music isn't a copyright issue for indiedb.

  • Pode, I would gladly take the webgl version over the rest! It's far better than having nothing at all. Personally I use nothing but webgl fx in my game. No real interest of making it portable. That being said I'm sure most people would like to have it work on iOS and droid.

    I'll take anything over nothing though!

    Thanks for letting us know the ups and downs of bringing it in!

  • Thanks! I'm becoming extremely torn between the two versions of Construct. I've actually been updating the Classic version (this demo) to match the C2 version. The CC version is smoother but only runs on windows while the C2 Version is a bit clunky but runs on anything that supports html5.

    Another up side to CC is Perspective/Skew. Which allows me to do the Fake 3D levels for the game along with effects like I used on the title screen sky and water. The new stage (wild west)would benifit from perspective/skew especially when you start riding the horses.

    Another thing with C2 is when the torch is flickering it eats up the cpu... So I can't use it or the frame rate becomes very erratic.

    Anyhow, thanks for playing the demo! I hope to have the C2 demo out for halloween as the haunted woods level is now very halloweeny :)


  • Nevermind - solved my own problem. When destroying the parent sprite, the child sprite latched to the next parent sprite instead of being destroyed with the parent. For some reason I thought The child was destroyed with the parent. My bad :)

    The child wasn't reacting to any of the code related to the parent once it was destroyed and was sitting on top of the new child, but the new child wasn't reacting either...

    Regardless I added [WolfSprite] destroy and everything is good. Now to give it an attack routine.

  • Hey Guys,

    I have an enemy sprite, set to invisible and the actual animated sprite set to the x,y location of the invisible one. I have no issues with the individual movements if there are more than one of these enemies on the screen. The problem is the animations and hit points.

    Each enemy has hp and will flash when hit. If one of these enemies dies, the rest stop flashing when hit. The same goes for animation in general. The Variables are attached to the controlling invisible sprite.

    I think I'm screwing up my "For Each" and SpriteX Parent= SpriteY crap. I have all actions set to the controlling sprite. The animation sprite is only for show.

    For example, when the enemy is getting hit I have:

    [Bullet group] On collision with [WolfControlSprite]

    [WolfControleSprite] Hit=0

    [WolfSprite] parent = [WolfControlSprite.UID]

                   [BulletGroup] Destroy

                   [WolfSprite] Flash:Flash0.1 on 0.1off for 1 seconds

                   [WolfControlSprite] Set Hit to 1

                   [System] Wait 1.0 seconds

                   [WolfControlSprite] Subtract 1 from HP

                   [WolfControlSprite] Set Hit to 0

    I realize I can use <>[WolfSprite] Flash here but I like to use variables in these situations.

    The problem here is that it can randomly subtract the hp from another sprite instance. If I use "For Each" here it really messes things up.

    Thanks for any help in advance!


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  • Thanks! That demo is kinda old now - I've been rebuilding it all in Construct 2. Just litteraly finished the Crab boss at the end of stage 1-3. Not much left to do on that section. Just rebuild a few of the enemies in that level which should take the better part of a day.

  • Been awhile, so here's an update with pics. Stage 1-1 Daddy's Happy Place. No Enemies yet, just a lot of tiles...


    <img src="http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/19/18697/thumb_620x2000/cb2.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/19/18697/thumb_620x2000/cb3.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/19/18697/thumb_620x2000/cb1.png" border="0" />