Try this:
By using the System object to create new instances at the bullet's location you're interrupting the normal picking. The original bullet continues to sail onward, and spawns four bullets before fading out. Is that the result you were going for?
The problem with the approach in your image is that if I do that there's no way to set things relative to the original bullet without using something like globals. Let's say I want the bullet to spawn at [original spawner angle]-90. With the spawn function, the new object would start with the angle of the original spawner, so I could just use .angle-90 for the new bullet, but if I were to use the create object (and not use "relative to another object") I would first have to store the original angle in a global before creating the new bullet, and then set the angle as global('spawnangle')-90.
This isn't exactly what I'd want, because it'd complicate the bullet spawning code a lot, especially if I want to set other things besides just the angle relative to the original spawner object. And since I'm going for a bullet hell game, I'm going to have to do lots and lots of different kind of bullet spawns, and even some seemingly minor increase in the code required to create a spawn, the workload could increase very notably.
I thought about using families as well, but they'd also introduce another layer of "things to worry about" when coding bullet patterns and it could slow things down quite a bit.
In either case, you said it yourself:
[quote:j8dkt3jk]However, you already have a specific instance of that object picked in the condition, so it appears the selected object list is getting confused as to which instance you mean to perform actions on.
I would say that this is a bug, since in my opinion after spawning an object all actions in the same event should be performed on the new object afterwards.