daisyalesounds's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Just finished Global Game Jam 2017!

  • Hey guys and gals, I'm a sound designer/composer with a degree in sound and another in music. The reason I specify the formal education part is that this forum, and many others, are flooded with "sound designers" that downloaded Audacity and decided they're now an audio professional.

    I've worked on over 30 games, with some releases and have contributed to a AAA space turn based strategy game that's out on the PS4, PC and XBOX One, and am currently working on a AA PC title (voyagergames.com) and awaiting a publisher/financier for a AAA Xbox One post-apocalyptic shooter.

    I'm looking for paid work. My website is daisyalesoundworks.com , here is an OST I just released, followed by a sound effects reel.



  • Hey guys, I'm a composer and sound designer for games and film. I have a degree in music and am halfway through a degree in sound. I have formal education, unlike many freelancers on sites like these.

    I have worked on 16 games. Two are released and are on Google Play and the Apple Store, five are in development and the rest didn't make it past beta.

    My website is daisyalesoundworks dot com.

    To possible future developers/team members: you get what you pay for. I am happy to work for profit share or on a contract basis, but do not expect free music. It cheapens the whole community.

    If you're looking for sound work done, I'm happy to get my resume to you, as well as put you in contact with some developers I've worked with so you will understand my quality of work, speed and communication skills.



    Composer/Sound Designer

    Daisy Ale Soundworks

    daisyalesoundworks dot com

  • Hey, I'd love to be involved in sound design! My site is w w w dot daisyalesoundworks dot com . Check out the sound page for music, sound effects real and an inn soundscape.

    I too am looking to be involved in a strong team! Let me know, thanks!

  • Thanks Katzin!

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  • Hey guys, my name is Brian and I'm head of Daisy Ale Soundworks. I produce original music and sound effects for video games, film and other media. I'm currently looking for a project to wrap my mind around. If you're looking for sound services please check out my page at w w w . daisyalesoundworks dot com.

    Please feel free to message me here or email me at daisyalesoundworks at gmail dot com for further information. My rates are negotiable but I generally stick to the average prices of about $50-75 per minute of audio with 5+ tracks. If 4 or less, $20-50 per minute. Listen to my tracks - the instrumentation, sound quality and music itself are worth it.

    Thank you for your time,


    Daisy Ale Soundworks

  • 6 posts