DAG's Forum Posts

  • [quote:vx9pdmc8]How to use & AND and | OR operators

    Just add conditions to the same event (AND). Click on it with the right mousebutton and choose "Make 'or' block" if you what OR.

    One method for your problem:

    Add conditions to a event if sprite1+n value = sprite2+n.value etc.

  • Here are some spontaneous ideas:

    • Change the current layout and load again.
    • Create a array and store all coint positions. Create the coints again after a reset using the array (for-loop).
    • Don't destroy the coints. Just hide them. And show it at restart. Check if visible when add the score.
  • Firstly: Please read this. "How do I" is not a really good Subject. Enter a pithy title.

    For your problem:

    Just check which fish is catched. And subtract or add a value to a global variable "score".

    You can pick a object by uid. So get the fish-typ.

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  • Search for match-3 games.

    One method: Use sprites (helper) and create it around an object you want to check if other similar objects are around.

    Check collision and set a variable to i.e. "matched = 1". And at the current tick delete the helper-sprite and create new at the checked objects around. etc. (loop).

    Here are some variable for the objects:

    • typ // for matching
    • checked // set if the object is already checked. (otherwise endless looping).
    • matched // set if the object is matching to the origin object
  • How did you do that? Does your image (dog) a point at the head position? (image point).

    Do you use the "Pin" Behavior for power ups? Then pin it to this image point.

  • Which version do you have? Try to update / or reinstall. Note: Unistall the old version!

    Download Contruct 2

    • create a sprite by right click on the resources folder "object types".
    • double click on the sprite to edit it and create animation, set origin points and collision box, etc.

    or you can select all images (in your explorer window) you want a animation and drag'n'drop it to a layout of c2.

    just easy and awesome

  • just create a event of the object you want and choose the misc "pick by unique ID". Then create a action and choose "Set Value". If you have no variables on this object, click right on it in the project resources and click on instance variables. Click on "plus" and name your variable. done!

  • create sprites for spawning points and place it to your spawnpoint. ... upload a example file or some screenshots for better support.

  • create your own grid by adding text-objects for example. in a 2D for-loop. Or write a js plugin.

  • you can change the background color on your layers. the color of the letterbox can change by editing the index.html of your game. the style entry of body background. #000 = black #fff = white

    		body {
    			background: #000;
    			color: #fff;
    			overflow: hidden;
    			-ms-touch-action: none;
  • pinch to zoom, etc?

    its easy. c2 support multitouch. nth touch events and touch coords. Just caluclate the distance between the 1st and 2nd touch and use this for scaling and rotating your image etc.

  • you can use the behavior "platform" and simulate keys (run/jump). you have the physics values (jump strength etc). so you can calculate the right force to hit the object. calcluated distance between positions of enemy and object. ...

    I'm sure that you can find some examples at the internet. calculate jump arc etc.

  • edit the source code of your exported game. or create a js plugin. c2 does not support this, I think.

  • Hi constructors,

    I'm a iOS developer. Maybe I can help you with my experience.

    Also visit my page and support me if you want. Thanks.
