daamee's Forum Posts

  • Bump. Please, anyone. Do I have to completely reinstall construct everytime this happens? Doesn't anyone else have this problem?

  • EDIT 2: It happened again

    EDIT: Nevermind, I fixed it.

    Im using Construct 0.99.97 and this has never happened before.Suddenly all texts became blurred and I cant find a way to return them to normal. Ive tried turning antiallising off, but it didnt help. I dont have any blur effects applied eather.Newly added text objects and buttons are also blurred even in a new project. Why did this happen?

    Heres a screenshot :

    btw Im using windows 7

  • Can someone see what is wrong with this simple events list.When I press X the stickman is supposed to punch,but insted only the platform behavior deactivates and the animation doesnt change

    cap: http://www.hostmyfilez.com/egivjnp157jw/stickman.cap

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I can help you make animations.

    Btw what kind of game are you trying to make? You should start with easy to make games first.

  • Cool. Thanks.

  • Is it possible to make construct start another application ? For example I want construct to open a web browser if I click a link in my app.It would be a very good feature.

  • I belive its called root. Lets say 10 ^2 = 100(10 to the power of 2 = 10^2). To get 10 would be the key ^ to (1/2):

    100^(1/2) = 10.

    To get 3 from 4 and 64: 64^(1/4) = 3

    so its x^(1/n) where x is the sum and n the number, to get the power.

    Hope this helped

  • Awesome ! I was just wondering how to make a map editor for my game. But why did you have to go and make the tiles as boxes. You should have made them as objects so we could edit them easier. Thanks a lot anyway.

    Edit: lol I meant sprites not objects.

  • Yeah... Thats why I am suggesting it as a feature.

  • I don't know about layout's but you cannot make folders for objects, however you can create folders in the Project panel but that's it, I too want folders for objects in a future version of Construct as well.

    Not sure about what kind of folders you mean .I meant folders in the Project panel for layouts.It might not seem much for some but it could help me a lot.

  • For example I have a RPG game with many maps and I need many layouts.I might want to separate the menus layouts from the map layouts for better oranization.Wouldnt it be a usefull and easy to make feature to add layout folders (like object folders), or maube Im missing something obvious

  • Thanks a lot guys, I did it with global variables, but I still think there should be a ''move to layout' action' feature.

  • Not sure about the first two but here's how you can acheve the last thing:

    always>set time scale to 1

    on button S down>set time scale to 2

  • How can I move objects from one to another layout without changing their current private variables?

    Thanks in advance.

  • All you have to do is give the terrain a variable. Try the ghost shooter tutorial.

    Variables are the first thing you should learn about when starting to make games in any programming environment.

    Yea I know, but if i make a value decrease when it concludes a terrain it will only affect one object and not the objects behind it. I know Im bad at explaining but never mind if you dont understand me I found a way to do what I want.Thanks anyway.