d2uang's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Thanks,

    I have a easy way to to that by using "else"


    else => when_all_stop = 1

  • Hi all, I need you help! Thanks

    The game like this:

    When i touch screen, many sprites start moving (in some way) and going to stop in seconds but they not stop the same time,

    When all stop user can touch again and sprite will start again.

    I code this:


    and the Problem is: when one of sprites is stop, some other is still moving: SPRITE >>START_MOVING is still happen.

    how can i do like: Just when all the sprites is stop: SPRITE >>START_MOVING happen?

    Many Thanks !

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  • Hi, I have this problem , please help thanks alot.

    After export to HTML5 webbase

    I upload all the game files into gameC2 subfolder


    The game is load from domain.com/gameC2/index.html -> it's run ok

    then I try load the game from the domain.com/index.php file


    The html in the index.php is copy from the gameC2/index.html with some links modified like this


    <div id="c2canvasdiv">

    <canvas id="c2canvas" width="854" height="480"></canvas>


    <script src="gameC2/jquery-2.0.0.min.js"></script>

    <script src="gameC2/c2runtime.js"></script>


    but it show nothing! how to load the game from subfolder???


  • 3 posts