Cyles's Forum Posts

  • rexrainbow

    I'd like the AI to be able to navigate traffic, slow down to a stop if they cannot continue on their path due to a red light, traffic, etc continue when room becomes available, turn in certain directions based on randomized target points throughout the map. Every Tick Pathfinding would be perfect for on screen objects, but I cannot simulate car physics with Pathfinding (car chase/race/etc) unless there is a way to combine the behaviors which I have yet to find a way to get the path, then drive on it using car physics.

    I'm sure for basic traffic I could use events to produce the effects desired, but as I said, with things like car chases, races, etc I would like the AI to be able to react to the environment using car physics in a similar way to what we see in Need for Speed games and such.

    EDIT: Upon further inspection, it appears as tho the race track .capx is almost exactly what I need. So I guess the request would be now, is there a way to make the vehicles use pathfinding waypoints as target locations instead of manual waypoints? Like add car physics to pathfinding, or add the pathfind system to the car logic. I'm sure this would be really simple, as both already exist by default, I just know if I try to go in and look at the code I'll just muck it all up.

  • rexrainbow

    Awesome, I'm gonna tear that apart and see how it works


  • it doesn't "Have" to use pathfinding, as long as I can simulate NPC vehicles, one thing I did notice is the vehicles don't seem to care if there are other vehicles on the road, they won't try to avoid them, simply smash into them without concern.

    As of this moment tho, this seems to be the best fit, thank you.

  • ahh, gotcha, I thought you wanted to get the color within the program itself, my bad

  • What I would suggest here, to get the color specifics (RGB values, as well as Sat/Hue,etc)

    Simply press the Print Screen Button, open your favorite Paint Program, and Eyedrop the color you want, use the same values in Construct 2 material editor to get the same color.

    In case you didn't know, Print Screen works the exact same as "Copy" only it "Copies" your whole screen for pasting.

  • One more thing, is it possible to make it so that the ants wont stay on the spot and rotate? It looks unnatural.

    What you could do is set the ant to stop moving when within X pixels of a food source, this would prevent the ant from going right over top of the food and spin over it. Include the gather food in this condition so when the ant stops, it gathers the food, and moves onto either the next food source, continues wandering, or returns to the mound with the food.

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  • Hi everyone, I'm new to the Construct 2 development world, I've built a few projects that helped me get a basic understanding of the program.

    I'm wondering if there is a plugin that combines the car features with the pathfinding features, or if there is a way to combine them within Construct 2 to use the pathfinding logic to get the path, but the car behavior to navigate said path.

    If this can be done, or if someone already has a plugin made, I would be grateful, if such a plugin does not exist, and wouldn't be too difficult for someone with experience writing plugins to make, also I would be grateful.

    Thank you.