It definitely looks better without motion blur. It runs at a decent speed on my computer with blur on but the effect is extremely overdone. Plus, you can barely see the particles in the background when you're standing still. As soon as you begin to move they disappear completely, and you also miss a lot of the nice detail in your background.
There's no need for any game to have motion blur turned on all the time, I don't think. People overuse it way to much. Use it sparingly, for warp-speed effects or when your character gets hurt or something.
Yeah, not sure why some people see so much motion blur and some don't. On my setup it runs just fine and the blurring seems very subtle. It must be dependent on drivers or something. I have an Gigabyte Ati HD4850 with the latest Catalyst drivers and the latest Direct X if that info helps.
The background is really nice. Hitting that stump is also pretty fun.
Thanks, I got a lot of inspiration from Muramasa Demon Blade for the Wii. Vanillaware does the best 2D these days check it out: Finished the first boss (with the kunoichi) but haven't had any time to play since school got heavy.
Excellent start! The artwork is awesome, at first I thought it was done with the bone movement...btw what program did you use to do the animations of the character?
Thanks David, I started out doing a character concept piece (as seen in Photoshop. I realised I could use that as the beginning of a sprite so I cleaned him up a bit and chopped up his limbs. I went through a few animation trials and decided on importing the PSD layers into After Effects to animate the character manually. So all I needed to do is export the frames and PNG's
The skull is a random thing and I realise that it does stand out a bit. Sorry, I took down the survey because I plan on making more changes before putting the survey back out there.
Overall I'm still unhappy with the combat mechanics so that's what I'll be working on as well as adding a HUD and letting you guys actually kill the treant. Oh btw the treant was really a fill in character. I originally wanted to add demons (angels vs demons :p) but I obviously ran out of time.
Thanks for all the feedback guys
P.S. Why can't I edit my first post a second time? Is there a limit on edits? (I want to take out the survey link and deadeyes exe)