ctceismc's Forum Posts

  • I finally found the source of the problem. The sounds quit playing whenever I reload the index.html file. As long as I never reload, the sounds play on my iPhone without problem. If I reload sounds will not play. This is happens for the space demo as well.

    Any idea what might be causing this? Is this a bug or a problem with iOS Safari?

  • Yes I included both the .m4a and .ogg audio files. No matter what I do I cannot get any game made with Construct to play audio in Mac Safari or on iOS. Even the Arcade games do not play sound on Mac Safari or my iPhone 5 using Safari. Any ideas? What could possibly be wrong?

  • I am struggling getting sound to play downloading from a Dropbox site in a Construct game. Does anyone have a simple .capx file known to play a sound properly on Safari Mac and iOS they would be willing to share? My test files all play properly in Chrome on Mac and iOS but not in Safari on either platform. Could Dropbox be the problem? Thanks for any help you can provide. I just need a known working sample to test see what I might be doing wrong.

  • Ok - I made a few mods making the sound playable by either clicking/touching on a sprite or Text object. Just to check that clicks/touches are being received I made the sprite rotate 90 degrees on every click/touch as well. The sound also plays once after layout is loaded initially.

    Now Mac Safari crashes while trying to load the file. Earlier it would not play the sound but did not crash. Once it locked up my iPhone 5 and I had to force power off and restart. Works fine on Chrome.

    Dropbox URL: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8856086/PianoTestWeb/index.html

    Capx: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8856086/PianoTestWeb/G.capx

    Is there some trick I am missing?

  • I spoke too soon. I exported another copy to dropbox and now it doesn't work in Safari anymore. This is really strange. Is Dropbox doing something strange or is something else going on? Is sound so inconsistent on Safari. Sound seems to work in Chrome even when it doesn't work in Safari.

  • hmm...

    I just cleared the cache on the iPhone 5 and reloaded. Everything seems to play as it should. Sorry for the distraction. It's the little things that get you ;-)

  • I have created a very basic sound test project where you click on a large sprite and it plays a sound. The sound plays fine when you load the project and click on the sprite in Chrome but not in Safari or on iOS 6+. I have used the Touch object to capture the click on the sprite and trigger the play sound action. I have tried both preloading and not preloading the sound with no change.

    Here is a link to the full exported project on Dropbox:


    The audio file alone is downloadable and playable in Mac Safari and iOS 6+:


    The .capx file is here:


    What am I doing wrong?

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  • Tap, Thanks for the reply. What I am trying to do is use Construct to control external devices through various native SDKs. As a first step I would like to control a Sphero robotic ball. Using the Sphero native SDK someone has created a Phonegap plugin that I would like to access using Construct. github.com/orbotix/Sphero-Phonegap-SDK

    How might we get this working in Appmobi using Construct?

  • Is it possible to port a phonegap plugin to something that can be used with Appmobi and Construct?

  • Any chance you could create an export as a web widget for iBooks author? This would be an incredible addition to iBooks author. Imagine a full fledged game inside and iBook!

    Hype, the HTML 5 animation program, just started offering this support. Purple Animator does the same. Neither of those comes anywhere close to kind of interactivity Construct offers.

    Another great feature would be to support import from these HTML 5 animation programs as well.