Crystal's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • thx

  • Yes, but we can't retrieve the y offset. To do that, we have to add for ex Y offset + 2 on each loop.

    But we can't retrieve the current Y offset.

  • Hi there

    I wonder, how to do an infinite scroll with a tiled background ? I can do this with a sprite with a for/next loop to random x sprite on the screen. But with a tiled background ?

    I've a cool background for space, but I don't know how to make an infinite scroll with. I tried with the warp behaviour but doesn't work : I want it to stay on the screen. With the warp behaviour, the tiled background has to disappear before warping...

    thx in advance.

  • For the render, I prefer your 0.99 sample, alpha and additive blende are better than the 0.98.

    But, yes in the 0.99 example, they are pushed on the right...I don't know why.

  • oups sorry I haven't seen


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  • I've got a problem with my project I don't have with the 0.98 with the physic engine.

    I've done some tests and it appear that you can test yourself with a simple sprite, with the physic behavior.

    Here's the problem :

    Wih the 0.98 :

    In the event sheet, a simple event to create the sprite when the user press space key.

    If you setup the world gravity to -20 (for example), the first sprite created when we push the space key, starts flying to the top of the screen (normal with a negative value).

    With the 0.99 :

    With the same parameters, the first sprite don't fly, if you press space again, the second don't fly, but at the third sprite created, that's work...I have to wait for 3 sprites beforce gravity takes effect....

    Thx in advance.

  • Very cool this second version

  • Hi everybody

    I am a new Construct user and I post an example to show you how to make a 3D stars scrolling with Construct.

    The aim of this example is to show you how to simulate depth without a 3D engine. Some mathematical calculations was made to simulate a z coordinate and depth.


    PS : sorry for my poor english

  • 8 posts