I have a game of math operations.
The game have 5 box, When the player hit the first box, throw a random number, the second box, throw a operator (+,-,*,/), third box throw a second number, and then appears 2 box with 2 possible solutions.
In each hit to a box, the variable hit sums 1, and in the four hit the code decide if the last box beaten is correct or wrong, and after restart the layout and all box and variables.
My game should to have many box, not only 5, because is a platform game that the camera follow the player movement to right, and while the player go forward, the boxes are left behind like the coins in mario bros, but after to resolve a math operation with the first 5 boxes, should to appears 5 boxes more, but my problem is that the numbers continues to appears in the first 5 boxes, and not in the next 5 boxes.
the images (the img code not works with these links :S
In the image i still not put the next boxes, but i tested before.
How can i to move the numbers sprites in the position of the next boxes?
Thanks you!!