CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Most the games I make are 1280 x 720 because I like that window size and I don't think it's too unreasonable to assume people can view at that window size.

    But I can't upload my games to the arcade because of the 800px width limit and, well the games are made now in 1280, can't really change them.

  • gaaaaaahhh! There must be a solution out there. Googles web audio API looks cool, but I don't really know how to access it even though I think it's already integrated into C2.

  • We can all agree that audio is lacking in Construct 2 and I know this is mostly because of cross-browser compatibility. But audio is an area that can't be overlooked and I've found something that could possibly help with this.

    What this is, is a version of libdeb which works online - without plugins! This would mean that it could be integrated with Constrcut 2, and which would mean that we could build our own channel control, sound grouping, positional audio, reverb zone, dsp effects and occlusion for use directly within Construct 2 and the best part is that it would work on all browsers because PD would be controlling the audio output.

    If Construct 2 can give developers control of the features I just mentioned, it would make it an outstandingly attractive development environment for sound designers and game developers with an interest in sound.

  • Thanks man! You know I quite like it center of the grid but I see what you mean.

    Tonight I'm going to make a lot of changes, I've had some time to think about and test the game. I realized that the nice fancy font I was using at home is only visible on my PC so every other PC displays default font! So I have to fix that.

    Other additions I'm going to make is to decrease the fire rate (as it's currently far to easy to kill each other) - and I'm also going to add two pick-up and deploy style power-ups which are rapid fire and a shield

  • Hey guys - this is my first complete game that I've posted on the forums, I made for the Pirate Kart V - it's called 2P S.A.H and it's a minimalist 2 player micro game, grab a mate and share a keyboard :)

    Trailer here

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Hey, one thing I miss from Construct Classic is the easy sprite drawing tools and bone animator, without it I'm a little lost - can anyone recommend a program which is just as plain and simple which lets you draw and bone animate in a similar way?



  • It's fine with the latest version of Construct.

  • What is the possibility of an FMOD plugin for Construct so that we can use designer and its audio capabilities within it?

  • Yeah I would agree with this if it wasn't running perfectly fast and smooth before.

    There were no changes in this version, it ran smoothly on multiple different systems running Chrome but seemed to almost overnight switch to being very sliggish.

  • Hi so I started playing about with Construct 2, I made this scene

    And it ran super smooth, fast and flawlessly in Chrome.

    For some reason now it chuggs at really low performance I have no idea what's causing it.

    Any ideas? Did google update chrome recently with something sh*t?



  • Fuuuuuuu! This is perfect, just what I'm after

  • Well that's cool, is there a way to use the text object to print level times on the screen? like "every second add 1 to 'timer', print time" sort of thing?

    Sure :)

    The Timer is basic math which construct2 will handle with no problem.

    For Highscores you can use a php script and ajax to submit and load them :)

  • Hello,

    I've just been messing around with Construct 2 - quite a lot of fun. Two things I can't work out:

    I want each level to be timed and to display a clock on the screen showing how much time has passed since starting the level.

    At the end of the level I'd like each player to be able to add their name so that their name and time can be stored on a high score table in a different layout for the game.

    Is this possible with C2 yet?



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  • It seems to only do this with sprites which are 16x16 or under.

  • Hello,

    My new graphics card hates Construct, like really hates it. Even with everything to the power of 2 Construct still distorts all my sprites. Is there any way around this? (apart from getting a new graphics card).