CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Hello, I'm wondering if I can get some help with some odd behavior I'm seeing. The first is this:

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    This shows a difference between NodeWebkit and Firefox browser, you see how the wall jump on NW.js is so much much bigger than it is on Firefox? Any hints as to what's causing that? I noticed on Chrome too the wall jump was also massive.

    My second problem is here:

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    I'm building my level out of lots of 24x24 immovable physics objects, as the whole game is physics. My character is just a circle collider and if I jump while standing next to a wall made of these geometry tiles, the wall pushes the character back quite a lot versus if jumping next to just one tiles stretched two tiles high.

    Again, any hints as to what I can investigate to fix these issues would be great.

  • Are videos allowed in here?

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    Prototyping a new character controller, this is easily the best feeling platformer physics I've made so far. Everything is with the physics object but it feels snappy and tight.

    Art process is copying the style of Daniel Linssen's wonderful Roguelight - hoping to see how I can adapt this technique into something more unique but art is difficult for me. The character was drawn and animated by my friend from an old project we were working on.

  • Oh sorry I see I'll wait for next stable release :)

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  • Here's a video of it happening, r171.3 (stable)

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    Intel i9

    Firefox 70.0.1

    GTX 980ti

  • Hello, when I place a layer or layout effect such as Blur or Bulge it renders the scene upside down, any ideas about I'm doing wrong here?



  • The Web Audio API is exposed in a fairly basic way through the actual Audio plugin.

    That said if you know how to write JS there's several projects around that create synths using the Web Audio API. With a bit of work you should be able to embed one into your game, then call it directly using inline scripts.

    This one is pretty cool, I don't really understand what half the dials do though!

    EDIT: MDN has a tutorial for creating a synth using web audio.

    Thanks for the links! I'm specifically looking to control a hardware synth with midi messages sent from the game for an installation. I will talk to someone who knows how to code in JS! :)

  • This is very interesting, I'm starting an installation project where I want to trigger MIDI notes and CC through the game, was just looking to see if this is possible in C3...

  • new link

    Fantastic thank you very much :)

  • I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have this? I need the Behavior 'Boids' by Alastair Aitchison to open an old C2 project :(

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Thanks for playing! I'm glad you like it :)

  • Hello all, here's some narrated gameplay of a game I put out for free on itch recently.

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    My first attempt doing this found it a struggle talking and playing at the same time lol I made it through by the end though :)

    If you want to play the game yourself you can over at:

  • So I realised my Chrome was out of date, I updated it and it runs perfectly fine now. Did some debugging and can't find any performance issues with it in editor or through chrome.

  • Quite possibly though, why would this show up in the browser for me now and not when I made the game several months ago when i was testing this same itch build to death.

    Thanks for the reply :)

  • Hmm, maybe it’s my version of Chrome, thanks for testing.


  • What device are you running? I'm just using Chrome here on a PC.