CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • nice job so far! I like the trails and animations.

    Looks like a fun concept.

    Thanks Allan

  • Use Timer behavior instead of "Every X seconds". Start a Timer for FireRate seconds. In "On Timer" event spawn a bullet and restart the timer for another FireRate seconds.

    Each object instance will be running its own separate timer.

    Wonderful thank you!

  • Hello.

    I have an object with a variable "FireRate" which is a number.

    In my event sheet I have "Every Object.FireRate Seconds // Object Spawn Bullet"

    I also have, an event where when the player shoots the object, it decreases the FireRate variable by a number.

    The issue I'm having is that when I shoot one Object, I notice that the fire rate of all clones of that object in the scene changes, instead of just the one object I've shot at.

    How can I fix this?

  • Hello, I'm documenting development of my new game with a series of videos. Here's the first:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Would very much welcome feedback as I go. I will also be sharing builds of the game and maybe the construct project on here too as it develops :)


  • Not all tutorials are good and you've picked a bad one..

    I made this quick demo, take a look:

    This is fantastic thank you very much!

  • I can but the project is a bit messy, I based it off this tutorial however:

  • bumping this if anyone who knows an answer missed it, still quite stuck on the issue :)

  • Hello lovely people, I'm trying to make a grapple hook for my space game and I have it working pretty well if I fire it when my spaceship is facing in one direction, but when I rotate the ship, the angles of the ropes mess up, does anyone know of a better method I can use?

    Here's a video of it in action:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    And here's the events I'm using:

    Thank you!


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  • wonderful thank you will give it a go

  • Hello,

    Say I have one value of 0 - 50 and a second value of 0 - 16, how can I scale the 2nd value to the first value. So if I decrease value 1 every second by 1, value 2 follows value 1 so when value one is at 25 value 2 is at 8 for example.



  • Hello,

    I'm working on a project where I need events to trigger MIDI messages. A friend of mine created some scripts for me to use, I don't know Javascript myself. But we're having a hard time getting browsers to ask for permission so I'm not getting any midi messages out of the game in Firefox, Chrome and Node Webkit.

    I'm wondering if anyone can spot anything we are doing wrong, here's the project:

    Big thanks to anyone who has the time to look at this for us.



  • Try Construct 3

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  • Try setting a velocity X rather than applying a force X to make the sideways jump. Forces have different results depending on the frame time (the engine assumes that the force is applied for the duration of the frame).

    Setting the velocity has worked really well thank you!

  • oh lol that is actually the wrong code. However your answers are very helpful.

    Here's the correct code I'm using:

  • For the first issue, did you set the physics mode to framerate-independent? Because by default it is framerate-dependent and can cause such issues.

    And the second one, did you check the collision polygons of the tiles? The character just bumps into them it seems. It´s probably better (and more performant) if you use an extra invisible collision object to avoid that since you can just strech them at will.

    Thanks for the reply. I did set physics to frame rate-independence and while it did 'break' some of the actions I still observed the same inconsistent difference between the Chrome and Firefox versions. Here's my code, I'm not sure if there's anything glaringly wrong here:

    For the second issue, yeah I'm aware the way I'm doing this is not the most performant, it's just much quicker to make levels this way, I can randomize the frame and angle of the tiles at the start of the layout for variation and the geometry and graphics are just there as I build it, but yes perhaps I can't get past this issue without a better process.