CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Yeah good work, really nice graphics and fun game - do you not think C2 is able to make the game post-prototype?

  • Thanks man, yeah there's nothing really new about it - it's just pure score attack, the 'hook' is that both modes are endless and it is constantly cycling between about 5 or 6 attack modes but with the speed constantly increasing with each 100 kills.

    But whatever, I've not tried making an arena shooter before, it has been fun.

  • Little thing I've been working on this week, just got to add audio and art and I'll put it up on the Arcade.


    Might look at that for a leaderboard solution actually.

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  • ah cool just curious :)

  • Pode - what is the audio plus plugin if you don't mind me asking?

  • CrudeMik

    Thanks man, hopefully the bumbling Chef adds character to the game!

    Also I checked out some of your gameplay/proof-of-concept videos, the pixel art is awesome but your sound production is INCREDIBLE!! Games need this level of sound quality to fully immerse the gamer, that's what really sells it.

    Cheers, my buddy is doing the art for Orbit, his name is Tyler Barber - so far the stuff in the videos is quite a bit behind where it's looking now and I'm really impressed with his work.

    Thanks for the audio compliment man! Again it's mostly a sketch the game will probably sound very different by the time it comes out haha.

  • poisonpage That's really funny! Great art.

  • How did you do this? Can't quite work it out, lots of small samples simulating a synth instead of actually generating the sounds?

  • Thanks man very useful!

  • Stay tuned ..a full featured ai will be released soon on the forums for top down shooters....


  • I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around something.

    I'm struggling to control variables, here's an example:

    Say if I have a number variable called speed, it starts at 0. If the player presses up, every tick add 1 to 'speed' - if player releases up, every tick subtract 1 from speed.

    First question is how do I 'clamp' the variable so that it never extends past a max or minimum speed?

    Second question is how would I use this 'speed' variable to affect something else which uses a different numerical range, let's say volume, at 0 speed, volume should be 0db at 50 speed volume should be 0.5 etc

    I know how to set 'volume' to 'speed' - but I don't want the volume to have a range of 0 - 100, I'd like it to be 0 - 1 - or even if it was something wild like timescale, I'd like timescale to be affected by 'speed' but with a range of 0 - 1.5 instead of 0 - 100.

    Am I explaining this okay? I'm pretty confused over the matter haha.



  • *Updated this to include the latest video*


    Phobos002 - I accidentally made something similar to your square shooting game today, was testing things out for my other game and this happened. Yours looks a million times better though :)

  • Ah gotcha, cheers

  • How can I see the UID of an object in the Layout Editor?

  • JohnnySix haha cheers, yeah I didn't quite figure it out.