CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • So I found a couple more objects with additive blending and glow attached, removed them and got the frame rate up to 50fps.

    Those webGL effects are pretty hardcore, I need to go through the performance tips guide and make sure I'm only using layer effects / put all effects in the same layer etc.

    Thanks for the info though guys

  • Actually I only tested on Chrome and Node Webkit, I'll do tests on other browsers too.

  • Thanks, I didn't realize that 9-patch was a potential performance killer...

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  • My laptop which has an Nvidia 640m, 10GB Ram and an i5 2467m can play Battlefield 3 at 60fps on medium settings.

    When I run my C2 project "Orbit" without any background art I get 60fps but when I try to run it after my buddy has added artwork it drops to about 12fps.

    If I remove all of the webGL effects like glow and additive blending on the lights etc the fps jumps up to about 25.

    The rest of the scene is made up with about 20 - 30 64x64 9-patch objects.

    Is there anything I should really watch out for when importing art? Does it matter what quality png's we're adding to the game? Keep in mind that the game was running at 60fps before the art went in, so it's unlikely to be anything in my code screwing the frame rate.

  • Yeah that's great, I really like the dash move. How did you stop the player from dashing into a wall?

    The flashlight scene was really cool, love the light coming off your gunshots nice touch.

    The boss was fun and wasn't mechanically contrived.

  • That looks really fun! Off to play the demo...

  • oh crap I screwed up the days I thought it was Saturday, I'm such an idiot. I hope it goes well and you have another because I'd love to attend!

  • firebelly - haha nah man I'm just joking. It's cool that there's overlap I think gives validity to our ideas :)

  • firebelly - have you been reading my mind? That drone following the player with the light is EXACTLY like a mechanic I have in Orbit. Going to have to change it now! haha!

  • firebelly - shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit that looks good.

  • I agree with these points especially the loop start and end triggers.

    My additions to this would be to be able to control positional sound ranges and doppler values for individual sounds (or tags).

    Sometimes you want only some sounds effected by doppler and you may want some sounds to have larger ranges than others. Currently you can only have 1 range and enable doppler for ALL sounds which kind of makes their current functionality super limited.

  • In the game I'm making you navigate a somewhat open environment (think Metroid / Dark Souls). The player character has abilities that don't require consumable resources, they are limitless.

    As a result, my levels are made up of entirely necessary spaces. Every area is important to player progression. This is unlike that of a lot of other games where you find secret rooms or whole areas which aren't critical to progression, instead the rooms give you missiles or upgrade points etc.

    Because of this, my game is pretty streamlined and I'm now wondering if I should arbitrarily add either abilities that require consumable resources OR have spaces which let you collect secret items that don't affect gameplay (Ass Creed feathers) - I feel like this probably isn't the right way to go, but I just wanted to get your opinions on it - what do you all think about collectibles in games, do you find them useful tools to drive players forward or to reward exploration?

    For my game I feel like the reward in exploring the levels is that you are always doing something which moves you forward, it's potentially quite neat, though as I said, makes the experience shorter and more streamlined.

  • Waiting in Line 3D - a finished joke-game that we had to cancel because of creative differences with the client. Oh well.


  • Rasheedbot153 That looks awesome haha!

  • crikey that is hard! got to the first checkpoint in level 3 :)