CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • frayt - I'm not sure how it's done what sort of control over physics you need, collision layers or what not, I'm extremely naive

  • Look at this marvelous tweet gif:

    Such smooth and awesome animations, the guy said it's all procedurally animated, it's all physics driven. I've been trying to conceptualize how this can work, is this possible in Construct 2?

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  • Ashley - I honestly couldn't say, I made a game advert for a client and this is what the client said in feedback and no matter how many versions I sent they came back with the same result, I however need to purchase a modern iPhone to be able to test myself, but making it open in the same page instead of a new window works. It's not a big deal anyway, thanks for looking into it Ashley.

  • Ashley Oh sorry I cleared out my Dropbox, I'll re create it. I didn't contact support but will look into 'block'

  • mattb - Thanks for having a crack at it Matt, not sure I get what you mean by the single collision polygon method?

    R0J0hound - I see what you're saying, however this is something I've never attempted and wouldn't really know where to start with the JS libraries.

  • Colludium - so I'd 'set angle' and then 'set angular velocity' to 0 sort of thing?

  • Colludium - ah I didn't know that, interesting. Will let you know how I get on.

  • Colludium / mattb

    I see what you mean there Colludium. I struggled with this for a while but it's pretty complex and messy. Problem is first generating the physics objects, setting the angle, then applying the joint relative to that angle - which seems to for some reason cause all the objects to spin on the spot which then messes up the angle at which other parts of the structure are spawned...

    So I've brute forced it using the pin to object which is a real shame as the forces are not relative to the core object it's entirely arbitrary. Also the structures aren't being generated, they're hand-made but you can get an idea for what I'm trying to do with this demo:

    Use WASDQE to thrust in various directions, hold shift to stabilise. R restarts layout.

    Match angle, watch the speed

  • mattb / thanks I'm still trying to work this out, i'll share a capx later if anyone is interested.

    mattb - might have something to do with mining :b

  • I want to create structures such as this:

    To be created randomly out of physics objects.

    I'm having a spot of bother with physics joints. Lets say the lighter square is the centre object, this has 4 image points on each side, I want to attach a random number of collars to random sides of the centre object, and then stick them together with a joint. I then want more large squares to spawn off the collars and so on and on until I have this one joined structure.

    My problems in testing are that even though I am ignoring collisions between the objects, when I spawn a collar off an image point of a square then set its angle relative to that of the face of the square it's spawned at, when I apply a limited revolving joint, the item spins to an angle then sets facing an awkward direction.

    I don't quite know the best theory for achieving something like this. My reason for wanting to use physics is so that I can influence the whole generated structure as one by external forces.

  • Quick update,

    Really chuffed to get a mention in RPS Freeloaders article:

    Also got a write up on Offworld which is awesome!

    I haven't been as pro-active as I could be promoting the game, I've sent it to people I like and a few youtubers but didn't get many responses.

    I think because it's a 2-player game it makes it harder to test as most of us sit in front of our PC's alone, also the games textless style might feel obtuse to someone who wants to just quickly try it out. The nice words from Offworld and RPS have made me feel that there is some worth to the game, and I am glad that some people out there are liking it.

    Here's how it's doing so far:

    (you might need to widen your browser window to see the images properly.





    Next steps then for me would be to find better ways of telling people about the game, I've been quite lazy about it so far tbh. After that I'm trying to decide if I'm going to make an enhanced version of it and to put it up on Greenlight. The intentionally minimalist style of the game allows me to add content to it without it taking a huge amount of time and I already have designs for new creatures and game modes, I will also need to eventually pay the money to get on Greenlight for Brute early next year, so it could be worth it for the practice.

    Anyway, maybe some of this info has been useful to you if you're thinking of selling on itch.

  • Thanks

  • usman Haq - thank you! Very much appreciated.

    jobel - I'd like to earn enough from this release to afford putting the title up on steam greenlight with some additional maps / characters / power ups

  • I've now made this game pay what you want (free) - check it out!