I want to create structures such as this:
To be created randomly out of physics objects.
I'm having a spot of bother with physics joints. Lets say the lighter square is the centre object, this has 4 image points on each side, I want to attach a random number of collars to random sides of the centre object, and then stick them together with a joint. I then want more large squares to spawn off the collars and so on and on until I have this one joined structure.
My problems in testing are that even though I am ignoring collisions between the objects, when I spawn a collar off an image point of a square then set its angle relative to that of the face of the square it's spawned at, when I apply a limited revolving joint, the item spins to an angle then sets facing an awkward direction.
I don't quite know the best theory for achieving something like this. My reason for wanting to use physics is so that I can influence the whole generated structure as one by external forces.