Crovetto's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Hello Construct 3 Community.

    Any ideas on how to share Facebook screenshot via web html5 (construct 3 runtime) using Windows from desktop pc.

    I have tried the browser object, share, instant game, javascript code, etc. without any result, perhaps the solution is obvious but I have no head. The idea is to be able to take screenshots of a game in html5 format and be able to share it on Facebook, or ultimately to be able to download the capture to the computer's hard drive. In the case of sharing with the share object on Android I have no problem.

    Any ideas,


  • Returning to the issue of why many games made with construt have not raised much profit and / or popularity in a competitive environment depends on many factors. You cannot pretend that a mediocre development of a weekend lives up to robust developments of teams of professionals who work tirelessly for months or years to get a quality product.

    The bet is then to focus on indies developments, dedicating hundreds of hours, planning, lots of creativity and implementing effective advertising according to a tight budget. Construct like many other game engines is just a blank canvas, construct will facilitate the development of your project by providing tools that simplify processes, will not give you the magic potion to make your game popular and profitable. We cannot simply bet on a flappy bird or similar. You can create simple games that can really monetize as long as they are innovative.

    In the gamer market there is a lot of competition, creating a decent quality game does not give you the guarantees that it will be successful. Earning millions of dollars (which is a lot to ask for) does not depend on a planetary alignment, it depends on how creative and hard you are, of committing 100% to your development, of not developing as if it were a simple hobby if you want to have cost effectiveness. I can intuit that construct has a wide popularity in an enthusiastic and teaching audience more than in a professional environment due to the reasons stated above. Why would a professional with experience in unity (for example) wish to migrate to construct? There would be no compelling reasons to migrate, it is not a matter of programming paradigm (if it can be called that) since learning in construct is intuitive and easy to learn, the essential reason is the maturity of the engines (performance) and the habit or custom with a certain tool.

    I think that Construct in its market strategy is well oriented, the concept of creating in an easy way (almost like a game) closes that great gap of fear that people have when they start in this wonderful world. There will always be purists who see block or visual programming as something superficial and of little appreciation, but trends have always pointed to ease and simplification, otherwise we would be using MS-DOS, and programming in machine language :)

    I trust that construct will overcome the performance gap, either by optimization of its engine, by webview optimization or by mobile phones with better performance over time.

    sorry, I use google translation

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  • Construct opened the possibility of creating video games to professionals and enthusiasts who did not have much knowledge in programming but who wanted to carry out their ideas in quick time (prototyped).

    Unfortunately I can say with much sadness that construct 3 with its mobile-oriented system through webview is poor and unstable (it is my opinion / I do not know the technologies and complexities). The precarious deficiency in Android is always related to poor optimization in the use of events, mobile devices with weak hardware, etc. But the truth is that the problem lies in webview technology that does not give the fps that were achieved with cocoon canvas plus despite its obsoleteness. What is the use of developing a pretentious game taking into account all the optimization guidelines if in the end you encounter a great obstacle when generating an apk with poor webview technology? Construct could become a robust platform if they might rewrite the code for native compatibility or some solution that once and for all exceeds the low fps and jank warning. I wish that my comment, like that of many construction users, could resonate with developers to take action on the matter without continuing to blame (reiterate) a bad event management, weak mobiles, obsolete third-party technologies, etc.

    I love construct and I look forward to a definitive miracle! (sorry for some google translator error).

  • 3 posts