CROS's Forum Posts

  • Braid is being built with Construct?

    Maybe the key would be to release shorter games based on single ideas kind of like Eversion or something.

  • Sorry for the late reply.

    Kotaku is more geared towards gamers and commercial games, right? I'm not sure if they'd want to cover a story on an indie game hosting site...

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • We're trying not to release too much information about future plans on the site. However, let's just say you did hit the nail on the head with that suggestion. I guess I'll also say, ad revenue sharing is also planned. Freeware game developers should be able to make money from their games, too. We'd like to get a stronger base of freeware games first, though. There's many plans for this site, but things have to pick up a bit more first.

    We're currently building out the site into two sections right now: Freeware and Open Source. More sections are planned for the future. The site will be a fully inclusive indie gaming source.

    We're also working on an API so that other sites can pull our information. It's almost ready to be put into a public beta stage. I've had some talk with Ashley about using the API to pull Construct games off of Game Jolt to make a listing of all the games made with Construct. I think this would be very valuable to the community.

    We want Game Jolt to be THE place for game developers to get their games out there. Whether it's a freeware game, an open source game, an indie game, flash game, game mod, whatever.

    This may sound fairly pathetic, but we really need everyone's help. If anyone's interested in helping get the word out, just let us know. We need as many people as we can to get this into the hands of as many developers as we can. Only then can it take off. We could easily add some features into the site so that indie developers can sell their games, but if no one's coming, what's the point?

    If anyone has any ideas of blogs that we'd be able to contact or forums or anything, just let me know.

  • Thanks! Glad you like it. And if you or anyone else has any features they'd like, just let me know. This site was made for you guys.

    As for the glitch, I actually didn't touch anything on the site, so it must've been a hiccup with FireFox, or your connection, or even the server.

  • Thanks for notifying us of the bug. I may have a few ideas as to why that may happen, although I've never witnessed anything like that. The problem is definitely that the stylesheets are not loading for you. I'll check into it and get back to you.

    Thanks for your interest in the site!

  • Hey, Shady. What version of FireFox are you using? I just tested it out in 2 and 3 and things seem to be looking fine.

  • Haha, I wouldn't say lazy. I'm just in the middle of too much stuff right now, so I can only fit it in in small doses.

  • Hey guys. Sorry to bring this back from the grave.

    Ashley, did you ever get my email? I'd like to get Construct onto Game Jolt pretty soon. Also, I do have something else I'd like to swing by you guys.

    We're also currently working on making an open source games section of the site. You can read some discussion on it at the FreeGameDev forums: It's shaping up to be really pretty cool. Some good ideas.

    Oh, and I actually used Construct finally. Wow! You guys did such a great job on it. I actually plan on making a game with it. So, in ten years when I get around to it, look out for it. I've got some pretty neat ideas I'd like to try out.

  • Thanks for the encouragement, Sol!

    For anyone who has games up on it, developers can now add videos for their games, so if you've got a trailer or something, go and check that feature out. Also, this may help for incomplete games to show developmental progress.

  • Maybe I don't have Java configured correctly.

    I'll have to look into it later.

    Games that require installation obviously won't work with this, right? How many of the games on your site work with this? Or are most of the games on your site Game Maker games right now?

    Either way it's a pretty cool idea. It can definitely give users the feeling of a quicker play of the game.

  • Hey, that's actually pretty cool.

    It doesn't seem to work on Opera, though. Java does work on Opera, not sure why your applet doesn't.

    What's the difference between downloading a ZIP file and opening the standalone EXE vs. playing the game on your site? It still has to download the file and everything, so it doesn't reduce too much time? Is this feature more for Game Maker games?

  • Just wanted to let everyone know, there was a bug in the sign up code that was requiring people to sign up for the newsletter to register. This has been taken care of. Sorry if this deterred anyone from signing up.

  • Hey, guys. This is the lead developer of Game Jolt.

    Just wanted to let everyone know that incomplete games/WIPs can also be added to the site. The only things that's required to add a game is a title and description. You can release screenshots, news articles, files, etc. as they become available.

    If anyone has any suggestions/feedback for the site, feel free to post it here and I'll check back every once in a while.