CritterBro's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • If anyone has a thought on how to do this better, feel free to pitch in. I want to learn more too. XD

    BTW I also turned those events into a group, & made RyuCommand a local variable called RyuHadouken. I also implemented "Shoryuken" (which was just a bullet shooting upwards) & made that its own group with its own local variable. Might be a better way to handle that, because then every special/command input is its own group, might make things cleaner. Or if you want, you could make it a global or instanced variable, & just add events for corresponding controls for whatever moves you want. So if you have a move that requires "Forward-Down-Punch" it could use the same variable as "Forward-Down-Back-Punch". Might save on total number of events.

    OR maybe there's a better way other than variables. Got more learning to do.

  • So I was learning how to fix that "blurry sprites" issue that some people have with pixel graphics. I had it too, on this ALttP tilemap & some other sprites. Came across this thread:


    Someone had a similar issue to not only the blurry sprites, but the off-center atlas. So I tried the solution & it worked, my tilemap is nice & pretty now. However, for some reason, in the tilemap bar, the tiles are still off-center when highlighted:

    You can tell that the highlighted tile takes a little from the tile above, & loses some on the bottom. This does not affect how the tiles look in the layout, though.

    So if anybody has more advice as to why that is, or how to fix it, feel free to let me know. For now though, I'm fortunate that I stumbled across a solution while looking into a different subject. Now I'll go learn some more about tilemaps.

  • Haha, I learned how to fix the timing.

    RyuCommand > 0 -> Wait 1.5 seconds -> set RyuCommand to 0

    I just learned about the System's Wait action, very handy.

    Again, I'm not experienced so this may be a bad way to do it. And of course you wouldn't be able to make a big roster of fighters using events like this when you're limited to 100 events. But hopefully you can work with this.

    EDIT: Just noticed that Hadouken still spawns a slow bullet too, because the condition for bullet is "On P pressed". So I also added the condition "RyuCommand smaller or equal to 1".

  • Hello, I'll tell you straight away I'm not very experienced in Construct 2 yet, & I haven't helped someone on the forum before, but your question caught my eye. I want to make a fighting game sometime, you see. I set to work making an extremely simple mockup of how to do a "Hadouken" compared to a normal punch using direction inputs.

    I'll post the capx if you want (once I learn how to do that), but here's the explanation:

    Have your character object (Ryu). Give him an instance variable (I called it RyuCommand). I also had 2 Bullet objects from the "Ghost Shooter" tutorial on Scirra. I gave them both "Bullet" movement behavior, but I made one slow (bullet), & the other fast (Hadouken). I made it to where you have to quickly press S & then D & then P to spawn the Hadouken, & just press P to spawn the slow bullet.


    On P Pressed -> spawn Bullet

    On S Pressed -> add 1 to RyuCommand

    On D Pressed AND RyuCommand = 1 -> add 1 to RyuCommand

    On P Pressed AND RyuCommand = 2 -> spawn Hadouken

    Hadouken on created -> set RyuCommand to 0

    So that means that if you press P, he'll spawn a bullet (or punch, if you make him punch). But if you pressed S then D, he'll spawn Hadouken. Plus, once the Hadouken is spawned, the variable goes back to 0.

    BUT I don't know how to reset the variable after a certain amount of time has passed; like if you want the player to have to press down>forward within 30 frames or something. The best I know how to do right now is:

    RyuCommand greater than 0 AND Every x seconds -> set RyuCommand to 0

    Of course the timing doesn't work very well on that, but it's what I know for now. Hope this gives you an idea.

  • I set the Tile width & Tile height to 16 & 16. Anything other than 0 in the offset properties makes it worse.

    Let's see if I can get the images up... First here's a snip of what the sprites end up looking like in the editor:

    And here is the atlas itself:

    Again, really no idea what went wrong. The dimensions are perfect when I made the image in MS Paint, they were perfect in the animation editor, but once I close the animation editor & start using the tilemap, it messes up like this.

    EDIT: And is it just me, or are those images not loading?

    EDIT 2: OK I'm gonna try to repost the images, all I see is the word "Image" in place of an image. Keep in mind I'm new to the forums & to imgur, so bear with me. If all else fails, I'll post the URL.

    And here is the direct URL, hopefully this will work:

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  • Hi, I've been using C2 Free for a couple days now. Today I tried to use the Tilemap object for the first time. I had a small sprite atlas/tilemap/sprite sheet or whatever you want to call it. Just sprites from Zelda: Link to the Past. Nice & simple, right?

    When I try to import the atlas (the atlas is 80x48, the sprites are supposed to be 16x16) I get my tilemap, but all the tiles are slightly off, they take a little bit of the edge from the tile next to & below them.

    So of course it seems like I made an error when making the atlas in the first place (I used MS Paint, Windows 7). But I retraced my steps many times, I don't see anything wrong. Even in the image editor in C2, the dimensions are all correct. But when I get the tilemap, it is consistently off-center.

    I freely admit that I am kind of lost when it comes to graphics, but I thought I understood this simple process well enough. If anybody has any idea how to fix this, or knows where I might have messed up, please let me know. Thanks for your time.

  • Hello, I just downloaded C2 Free about 3 days ago, & I'm having a lot of fun with it.

    I've been playing games, mostly Nintendo stuff, since I was a little kid, & I've had a great interest in game design for years. I'd like to make all sorts of neat stuff.

    Been spending the last couple of days learning the ropes, & adding features to the "Ghost Shooter" tutorial game. Signed up for the forums because I can't find everything on Google. Looking forward to more learning.

  • 7 posts