CreativeJon90's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Looking for simplistic project to make are/animations. Here is a recent work!

  • nope discord stayed the same!

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  • Hello everyone!

    I am a pixel artist and I have been making pixel art for a little while now. I am searching for projects/teams to be part of creating some amazing games. I have a very simplistic style.

    I am a huge fan of platformers and RPG's

    If you have a project that needs some art, consider contacting me to see what I can do for you.

    I am open to paid/unpaid projects.

    Here are some of my works, Newer stuff is under NDA at the moment.


    If you would like to work with me, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Private message on (here),, or CreativeJon90#2182 (discord)

  • Still looking for people or a team to work with!

  • hey yeah i am interested in talk some more, feel free to message me on discord at Creativejon90#2182 or the email .

    I usually prefer discord since its a faster way of contact.

    However feel free to message me!

  • Hello!

    My name is Jonathan and I am a beginner pixel artist looking to team up with someone who knows their way around C2/C3.

    Story driven games is something i really enjoyed playing over the years and is something I have been wanting to make for a while. I am looking to partner up with someone who also enjoys story driven games and would like to make one with me. I am looking to mainly create short story experiences and have fun while doing it.

    Target platforms are Kongregate,, and gamejolt (mobile platforms im not sure about but wouldn't mind doing)

    Contact: I am always on discord and am happy to meet those of you would like to create something with me. Creativejon90#2182

    Payment: Rev-share (if any money is made from it)

    Here are some examples of my work

    Hope to hear from some of you soon! Thank you for your time!

  • Hey my name is jonathan i am a 23 year old college student majoring in computer programming and analysis. Nice to meet everyone!

  • 7 posts